Thursday, May 25, 2023

A Snarly Greeting at Seas the Day Gibsons BC - I changed hotels!

Near the beginning of Sparky's Epic Adventure Across North America, I had a two-day reservation for May 4th and May 5th at Seas the Day in the pretty community of Gibsons, BC. #seastheday

The owner/operator had sent me a message the day before stating that I should park in the back alley, between the red flags. I was traveling and neglected to acknowledge that I had read the message.

When I arrived at 2:00 p.m., I drove through the back alley but couldn't see where I was supposed to park, so I went around the front and parked in an available spot two houses away. 

The front gate to Seas the Day looked to be the main entrance to the accommodation. It was clearly marked with a large sign displaying the name, and the phone number. 

As I approached the front gate, three small dogs began to bark at my dog, Sparky, and me through the wire gate. I phoned the owner and said that I was waiting outside the gate. Then one of the dogs barged through the wire and proceeded to harass both Sparky and me. 

I tried several times to fend off the dog. It got more aggressive. The owner appeared on the upper deck and asked, "Did you want something?" 

I replied, "Yes, I'm Lynda Lock. I have a two-day reservation." 

She came down to the gate, asking me if I had opened the gate to allow the dog to escape. 

I said, "No, I did not open the gate. The dog barged through the opening in the wire." The gate was made of wire, formed in squares, about 3 inches by 3 inches. The dog was a white poodle or poodle mix. He was small but aggressive. 

The owner repeatedly tried to call the dog. The dog, Sully, ignored her and continued to become more aggressive. 

It bit Sparky. And it tried several times to bite my ankles. I finally used my large purse to fend the dog off.

She continued to call the dog. It ignored her and followed my dog Sparky and me as we tried to return to my car. She said the dog was a rescue, and it wouldn't listen to her. She also said it would run away if she tried to catch it.

I got angry at the continual harassment and ran toward the dog, yelling, "Get in the yard." It ran towards the fence but continued to lunge and snap at us. It refused to enter the yard while Lorraine kept repeating it was a rescue and didn't like other dogs.

Lorraine again told me to park my car between the red flags in the lane behind her house. 

I drove around again but couldn't locate the parking spot. I called her and asked for clarification.

"It's right beside the Mercedes." Then she added, "We're not ready for your three o'clock check-in." (It was now about 2:25 p.m.)

At that point, I was shaking. Sparky was shaking. And the very last thing I wanted to do was stay at this place. I owned an awarding winning Bed and Breakfast from 1992 to 2000. Then I became a manager of a 142-room hotel from 2000 until 2008. I know how to treat guests.

The owner has steadfastly refused to refund any part of the two-night stay. Her reason is that I did not follow check-in procedures by parking in the lane. I tried to, twice. 

I subsequently booked a pleasant two-night stay at the Davis Bay Oceanside Hotel

I have attempted since May 4th to get a refund for the second night of the canceled stay. The owner/operator has steadfastly refused, saying the whole incident was my fault because I did not park in the lane. My niece and I drove along the lane the next day looking for the parking spot, and with some difficulty we did locate the limp, wet Canadian flag that was apparently the indication this was where I should park.

Were it not for my extensive family connections to this area, I would have taken the next boat off the peninsula to escape this unpleasant situation.

Sparky and I have now been traveling for twenty-five days and covered 5500 kilometers (about 3400 miles). We have only had pleasant greetings and good experiences at our accommodations in Davis Bay, Tofino, Wenatchee MT, Superior MT, Boseman MT, Buffalo WY, Cheyenne WY, Oakley KS, or Topeka KS.

I'm looking forward to the remainder of our 4-month adventure across North America.


Lynda and Sparky 
The parking spot indication 

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Sparky's Epic Adventure to Newfoundland, via the southern route!

Day 16, of Sparky's Epic Adventure. We drove from Bozeman Montana to Buffalo Wyoming, with a slight detour to Livingston Montana, one of the entrances to Yellowstone National Park. Lawrie and I were in Yellowstone in 2001 just before 911 happened. Oddly, when I was switching my printed photos over to digital that entire trip was lost. We stopped in Livingston on the way back to grab a cup of coffee for the trip. I was in the coffee line-up when the news of the first plane hitting the World Trade Building was broadcast. The woman handed me the coffee just as the second plane hit. I got back in our vehicle and told Lawrie what had happened, and he said. "We have to get back across the border as quickly as possible." And we did, driving non-stop until we arrived at the Osoyoos crossing around midnight. Driving through Livingston brought back those memories. It's a cute town, and I should have taken more photos but I thought I still had the ones from 2001. 

Day 17 of Sparky's Epic Adventure. We explored the downtown area of Buffalo Wyoming until another thunderstorm chased us inside. It's a good day to get caught up on emails and reading. One of the reasons I wanted to stop in Buffalo is Craig Johnson, the author of the Longmire mystery novels, has written extensively about this area and the cafe at the Occidental Hotel on Main Street. It's called the Busy Bee in his books. I poked my nose into the cafe It was packed with locals enjoying their morning coffee and breakfasts, so, instead, Sparky and I wandered a few doors along and discovered a dog-friendly cafe, Lolly's Sugar Shack. Sparky played with the resident dog, Dakota. I sampled their Lappuchino (a latte-cappuccino) and a fabulous cinnamon bun. Talk about a sugar rush. I rarely eat sweets but cinnamon buns were Lawrie's favorite, so I couldn't pass it up. 

Buffalo Wyoming

Lolly's Sugar Shack in Buffalo Wyoming

Day 18 of Sparky's Epic Adventure across North America. The weather has been cranky all day as we drove from Buffalo to Cheyenne Wyoming. We passed several interesting places but between fighting to keep the car on the road in a torrential downpour and rain, rain, rain, I didn't stop for anything but a quick rest break or two for Sparky and me. We are overnighting in historic Cheyenne. 

Big Boots Cheyenne Wyoming
Our drive from Cheyenne Wyoming to Colorado was cloudy, foggy, and rainy. The Big Boots of Cheyenne Wyoming each tell a story about the spot where they are located in the city. The red one made me smile. It is located outside the Laramie Country Library of Cheyenne. It depicts some of the statues that are scattered around the library's reading trail - and several of the books that have been banned by libraries in other states but not in Wyoming. I love their cheeky humor. 

Cheeky detail on Big Boot

Day 19 of Sparky's Epic Adventure. We're staying with friends, John and Cayce, at 9000 feet in the mountains a bit south-ish of Denver Colorado. Great dinner with lots of laughter and stories. 

Day 20 Yesterday John and Cayce Chalk toured Sparky and me around their neighborhood and the Red Rocks Amphitheater. It was spectacular! The short fuzzy guy and I had a slight challenge with the number of stairs but we eventually huffed and puffed our way down to see the stage and then back up again. 

Red Rocks Colorado

Day 21 of Sparky's Epic Adventure across North America. Today was a driving day, across a good chunk of Kansas. It's pretty flat and I don't remember having to turn the steering wheel very often. Just straight ahead for 5 hours! 
Oakley Kansas

Oakley Kansas

Day 22 of Sparky's Epic Adventure. We are in Topeka Kansas but I am not going to post anything on Facebook except this. The hotel network isn't secure. 

Day 23 of Sparky's Epic Adventure to Newfoundland Canada, via a convoluted route. We're in Jefferson City for a few days, visiting good friends Robert Goth and Julie from our time on Isla Mujeres Mexico. It's a beautiful area. Lush rolling hills. Forests. Streams. And fields planted with corn and other crops. Sparky and his girlfriend, Princess Izy, had a cute little reunion. They recognized each other after a separation of over 3 years. The eastern half of Kansas was much more scenic than eastern Colorado to somewhere west of Topeka. Today's drive was quicker than I thought it would be and the 'house pests' arrived at Rob and Julie's at noon. It will be good to stay put for a few days instead of driving every day. We have traveled 5340 kilometers or about 3320 miles since May 1st.

Are we there yet?

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Sparky's Epic Adventure to Newfoundland (coast to coast!)

Wooden VW Van at Hotel Zed, Tofino

 Day 9 of Sparky's Epic Adventure (Newfoundland via Vancouver Island BC).

We spent more time this morning exploring Tofino, Long Beach, and Incinerator Rock Beach before heading east for the first time on this adventure. We are back in Nanoose Bay with Rosemary and Glen, then headed to White Rock/Surrey tomorrow on the car ferry from Nanaimo.

Tofino Harbour

Day 10 of Sparky's Epic Adventure to Newfoundland, the long way.

Sparky and I spent the day in and around the BC Ferry transportation system. I drove to Duke Point, a bit south of Nanaimo, then we sailed past Gabriola Island and across the Straight of Georgia to Tsawwassen BC. The weather was perfect for the two-hour crossing.

Sparky on a coil of mooring lines

Day 11, Sparky's Epic Adventure. Relaxing with my friends, cleaning, and reorganizing my car.

This is just some of the stuff that fits into the car, and most belongs to Sparky. The foam mattress. A doggie stroller. Dog food. Leashes. Sunshade. Teddy bear. Brushes, combs, and medications. A black doggie bed to keep him from rolling around if I hit the brakes. And my suitcase and a sleeping bag, just in case.

Some Sparky's stuff!

Day 12, was spent lazing around doing not much.
Day 13 of Sparky's Epic Adventure.

Blaine Washington

Sparky and I drove from Surrey/White Rock to Wenatchee, Washington. It's only 334 kilometers or about 210 miles, but the drive turned into a 7-hour trek. The Peace Arch border crossing was backed up, then there was a road construction delay between Bellingham and Everett, Washington, and again somewhere east of where the I-5 and Highway 2 intersect. It was stop-and-go for quite some time. The weather has turned hot, hitting 34C or mid-90s F.
The beautiful route cuts through towering mountains, then beside emerald green rivers, and through small, sleepy mountain towns with names like Start Up and Gold Bar and architecture from the 1890s. Once we passed the Stevens Pass Ski Resort at 4000 feet above sea level, the climate began to change to dry and semi-arid with orchards, farms, and vineyards.

Owl Drugs and Fountain since 1926 Wenatchee

Day 14, of Sparky's Epic Adventure.
Is this sounding like a prisoner marking off the days until his release? At times I hear a loud 'fuff!' from my travel companion and then I know he's fed up and needs a break.

We hit the I-90 freeway from Wenatchee to Superior Montana, scooting past Coeur d'Alene Idaho. I've been there a few times and didn't feel the need to stop again, even though it is very beautiful.

Tonight we are settled in a tiny town of 900 people near Missoula Montana. I prefer the tiny, old, and quaint towns to larger cities. We drove through the semi-arid moonscape of eastern Washington into the mountains, lakes, and rivers of Idaho and on into Montana. All is well, except I still don't have the energy to figure out what the heck is wrong with my phone's roaming plan. I might get lost a time or two, but that's what adventures are all about.

Superior Montana 

Day 15, of Sparky's Epic Adventure.
I'm sure he's fed up already. He spent most of the day snoozing in the back on his foam mattress or glaring at me from the footwell of the passenger's seat. Poor pupper.

My photos don't do justice to the gorgeous scenery between Superior and Bozeman Montana. Towering mountains. 6300-foot summits for highway I-90. Broad valleys. Massive ranches. And cows, lots of cows. I detoured onto a few secondary roads but wasn't able to stop for photos. Even on the secondary roads the speed limit was 80 M/ph or about 128 KM/ph. The roads don't have wide shoulders (although the men do!), and the edges drop a few inches before veering over the bank. There were very few places to pull over and take photos so I missed some really beautiful photo ops.

Gorgeous mountains visible in Montana

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Sparky's Epic Adventure to Newfoundland (via Vancouver Island)

Day 1, the start of Sparky's Epic Adventure to Newfoundland. We are driving west first to visit with family and long-time friends. We don't turn towards the eastern side of North America until the 10th of May. Right now I am squishing all of the 'must haves' into my car.

The beginning!

Day 2, of Sparky's Epic Adventure. It's a long and winding route that will eventually take us to Newfoundland Canada by July 1st. Today's drive was from Kamloops to Surrey BC to visit with good friends Jenda and Surinder, and their pooch Gizmo. There was dense fog this morning which turned to brilliant sunshine by noon.

Cheery trees in bloom White Rock BC

Day 3, of Sparky's Epic Adventure. Hanging out with my friends in Whiterock/Surrey. I love the lush vegetation of the Lower Mainland in BC. Sparky likes grazing on fresh grass. He looks like a small Holstein bull.

My little Holstein bull

Day 4, of Sparky's Epic Adventure, via the long way to Newfoundland Canada. We traveled from Surrey/Whiterock to Davis Bay BC. It's only 80-something kilometers but the drive is in heavy traffic, multiple bridges, and a ferry. I had booked Sparky and me into a cute cottage called Seas the Day in Gibson's, but the 'greeting committee' of three snarly dogs changed my plans. I moved along, up the coast to Davis Bay. I am currently working on getting my deposit back from the operator of #SeastheDay.

Horseshoe Bay ferry terminal

Day 5, of Sparky's Epic Adventure via the long route to Newfoundland Canada. Thursday's sunset from our room at the #CoastOceanside in Davis Bay, BC. It's been a wet and rainy Friday on the Sunshine Coast, and most of BC. I met up with my sister and nieces for hot beverages and laughter. It was so good to see everyone again.

Snug Cove Ferry Bowen Island

Day 6, of our adventure. We drove from Gibsons to the ferry terminal and on to Horseshoe Bay in West Vancouver by ferry. Then we had a second ferry ride to Nanaimo, on Vancouver Island, and drove north to visit my friends in Nanoose Bay for a few days. Beautiful scenery but a damp and grey day. Sparky and I are a bit tired and were in bed by sundown.

Cathedral Grove Vancouver Island

Day 7, Sparky and I are hanging out on Vancouver Island with my long-time friends. The weather is pleasant and intermittently sunny. Today's wandering included a trip to the French Creek fresh fish company with the big fishing boats moored in the marina behind the store. We did a repeat visit to the fascinating Goats on the Roof stores at the Coombs Country Market and took the two dogs for a long stroll through the forest trails.

French Creek BC

Day 8, and we have finally traveled 1000 km! Most of this week has been spent with family and friends so we haven't put a lot of miles (kilometers) on the odometer. Tonight we are in Tofino, on the outer rim of Vancouver Island. The next stop would be Japan. Tomorrow, Sparky and I turn east and start the trek toward our goal of Newfoundland.

Chesterman Beach Tofino BC

Facebook has suspended my account for defending my country, Canada

Hi Folks As of a few minutes ago, Facebook suspended my account because I share or repost articles defending my country, Canada, against the...