Thursday, May 11, 2023

Sparky's Epic Adventure to Newfoundland (via Vancouver Island)

Day 1, the start of Sparky's Epic Adventure to Newfoundland. We are driving west first to visit with family and long-time friends. We don't turn towards the eastern side of North America until the 10th of May. Right now I am squishing all of the 'must haves' into my car.

The beginning!

Day 2, of Sparky's Epic Adventure. It's a long and winding route that will eventually take us to Newfoundland Canada by July 1st. Today's drive was from Kamloops to Surrey BC to visit with good friends Jenda and Surinder, and their pooch Gizmo. There was dense fog this morning which turned to brilliant sunshine by noon.

Cheery trees in bloom White Rock BC

Day 3, of Sparky's Epic Adventure. Hanging out with my friends in Whiterock/Surrey. I love the lush vegetation of the Lower Mainland in BC. Sparky likes grazing on fresh grass. He looks like a small Holstein bull.

My little Holstein bull

Day 4, of Sparky's Epic Adventure, via the long way to Newfoundland Canada. We traveled from Surrey/Whiterock to Davis Bay BC. It's only 80-something kilometers but the drive is in heavy traffic, multiple bridges, and a ferry. I had booked Sparky and me into a cute cottage called Seas the Day in Gibson's, but the 'greeting committee' of three snarly dogs changed my plans. I moved along, up the coast to Davis Bay. I am currently working on getting my deposit back from the operator of #SeastheDay.

Horseshoe Bay ferry terminal

Day 5, of Sparky's Epic Adventure via the long route to Newfoundland Canada. Thursday's sunset from our room at the #CoastOceanside in Davis Bay, BC. It's been a wet and rainy Friday on the Sunshine Coast, and most of BC. I met up with my sister and nieces for hot beverages and laughter. It was so good to see everyone again.

Snug Cove Ferry Bowen Island

Day 6, of our adventure. We drove from Gibsons to the ferry terminal and on to Horseshoe Bay in West Vancouver by ferry. Then we had a second ferry ride to Nanaimo, on Vancouver Island, and drove north to visit my friends in Nanoose Bay for a few days. Beautiful scenery but a damp and grey day. Sparky and I are a bit tired and were in bed by sundown.

Cathedral Grove Vancouver Island

Day 7, Sparky and I are hanging out on Vancouver Island with my long-time friends. The weather is pleasant and intermittently sunny. Today's wandering included a trip to the French Creek fresh fish company with the big fishing boats moored in the marina behind the store. We did a repeat visit to the fascinating Goats on the Roof stores at the Coombs Country Market and took the two dogs for a long stroll through the forest trails.

French Creek BC

Day 8, and we have finally traveled 1000 km! Most of this week has been spent with family and friends so we haven't put a lot of miles (kilometers) on the odometer. Tonight we are in Tofino, on the outer rim of Vancouver Island. The next stop would be Japan. Tomorrow, Sparky and I turn east and start the trek toward our goal of Newfoundland.

Chesterman Beach Tofino BC

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Facebook has suspended my account for defending my country, Canada

Hi Folks As of a few minutes ago, Facebook suspended my account because I share or repost articles defending my country, Canada, against the...