Thursday, June 29, 2023

Sparky's Epic Adventure Across North America (Baddeck & St. Anne's Cape Breton)

June 27th: This was not a fun day. The eastern shore of Nova Scotia was still wrapped in an unrelenting fog plus I was feeling the effects of two sleepless nights, back to back. 

I stopped every hour for a break. Pee breaks for Sparky. And boredom breaks for me. Driving for seven hours in fog and rain is tiring and boring. There is nothing to see except the road ahead. My eyes flicked continuously left, right, forward, and then to the rearview mirror, looking for other vehicles, people, and animals.

We arrived around 3:00 in the afternoon at St. Anne's Motel about 30 kilometers from Baddeck on Cape Breton Island. The weather was still dismal. My room was dismal. And my mood .... equally dismal.

Raining at Historic Village Sherbrooke NS

Downtown Antigonish Nova Scotia

Downtown Antigonish Nova Scotia

Downtown Antigonish Nova Scotia

Downtown Antigonish Nova Scotia

Downtown Antigonish Nova Scotia

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