Sunday, April 28, 2019

Yep, I'm looking at you! Have you read about me yet?

Yep, I'm looking at you!

I'm Sparky and I'm one of the main characters in the Isla Mujeres Mystery series. In my opinion I am the main character. That will be a future negotiating point with my author. Does anyone know a good contract lawyer?

I digress. 

I am a handsome pure-bred Mexican low-rider, beach-dog, and I have an extraordinary sense of smell that helps me solve the mysteries.

I have curly white and grey terrier fur, with long dark Spaniel-type ears, and expressive brown eyes. (That's what my author says.) Pretty cool, right?

This is my author and me on my "Gotta Day"
I am also fiercely protective of my humans - real and imaginary - which occasionally gets me into trouble in the novels. I haven't actually bitten anyone, but I would to protect my family. I might be short, but I am fierce. 

When I was about a year-and-a-half old my first owner left me to fend for myself. I was afraid of humans, covered in fleas and ticks, and hungry. 

A very nice lady by the name of Yumiko and her husband Andy convinced me I was safe taking food and water from them. They also untangled the knots in my fur, gave me a haircut, and pulled off a whole lot of those painful, nasty ticks.

Unfortunately they didn't live here in Mexico, they were only here for a short time - so they played a trick on their friends.

The day Thomas' books arrived at our casa.
While their friends were on holidays from their home here in paradise Andy and Yumiko babysat their two cats, Thomas and Chica. But by the time the friends came back to their house, they had the two cats and me! 

I thought it was a great trick. I had a nice home to live in - and the people gained an amazingly brilliant dog!

Even though Thomas was the big star in those days he was nice to me, the new kid. He has his own bilingual book for children, The Adventures of Thomas the Cat. Chica is included in the book as well. 

I wasn't in the family then so I am not in that book, but I am the star in four and soon to be five mystery novels. 

Boo, doing what cats do best - sleeping!
Thomas and Chica are both gone now to pet heaven, and I have a new roommate, a black female cat named Boo. Nope, we didn't name her. Someone else in the neighbourhood did. She adopted us, and comes and goes as she pleases. She isn't as friendly as Thomas or Chica, but she is learning.

In the sunlight her fur has dark red, and orange tones so she isn't a pure black cat.  She also tried to come with us this morning on a golf cart ride. Silly cat. Golf carts are for dogs - not cats.

I'm keeping my eye on you!
Gotta go help my human make lunch. I'll chat again another day. 

Cheers Sparky 
(The Sparkinator!)

Murder and mayhem. Revenge and romance.
Isla Mujeres Mystery series
Grab your copy today! 
Available on Amazon as e-books or paperback.

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