Sunday, November 3, 2024

Day 38 of being a flea on the butt of Amazon and BNI Postmedia - success, I think

A refund? You're joking!
Late yesterday afternoon I received an email from Grace, with the Amazon Executive Relations team. 

According to her, my refund is in the works! 

And it should show as a credit to my Visa in 5 to 7 days.

So, fingers crossed this will be the end of 38 days of stress and worry.

But until I see the refund, I will remain skeptical.

Cheers Lynda

Sparky sends his woofs!

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Day 37 of being a flea on the butt of Amazon and their delivery contractors BNI Postmedia. SIGH!

This morning I emailed three of the four top executives at Amazon asking for an update on my refund. 

Andy Jassy. 

Chief Executive
410 Terry Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98109

Doug Herrington.

Chief Executive Officer, Worldwide Amazon Stores
410 Terry Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98109

Candi Castleberry-Singleton

Vice President of Inclusive eXperiences Technology (IXT)
410 Terry Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98109

And I received yet another form letter from another customer service representative as a reply.

I'm stressed, cranky, and not going to give up!

Cheers Lynda

Nov 2nd 3:30 p.m.

Hello Lynda,

This is xxxxx, an Amazon Delivery and Returns Specialist. I hope this email finds you well.

I received a message from my colleague regarding your recent email about your concern. Unfortunately, we need some more information about your situation before we are able to assist you.

When you have a free moment, please respond to this email with the following information:

Order ID

Name of the item:

Date the order was placed:

Issue with the order:

I’m sorry for this inconvenience. We look forward to resolving this situation as soon as we hear back from you.

We’d appreciate your feedback. Please use the buttons below to vote about your experience today.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Día de los Muertos and Day 36 of being a flea on the butt of Amazon, BNI Postmedia, and Intelcom courier

Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries are celebrating la Día de los Muertos honoring their departed family members. It's a lovely tradition full of color, light, food, music, and family gatherings.

For me, November 1st is my 36th day of pounding my computer keyboard, trying to obtain a refund of $613.47 from the multinational megacorp, worth 1.9 trillion dollars. Amazon.  

Amazon contracts out deliveries to businesses like BNI PostMedia and IntelCom. Those companies are supposed to deliver all parcels safely to the designated addresses. 

September 12th: I ordered 655 copies of my 10 murder mystery novels in preparation for several upcoming Christmas markets.

September 25th: the boxes started to arrive.

September 26th: a box of 39 copies of CORKED was posted on my account as ‘Undeliverable.’  Then a box of 43 copies of SMASHED met the same fate, ‘Undeliverable.’ 

I have phoned the Amazon Customer Service Representatives 10 times.

I have emailed the Amason Customer Service Representatives, dozens of times. Each time being asked for the same information over and over again.

I have emailed, three top executives several times; Mr. Andy Jassy, Mr. Doug Herrington, and Ms. Candi Castleberry-Singleton. They have forwarded my pesky emails to their Amazon Executive Relations Team.

39 copies missing

I recently posted this notice on many Okanagan FaceBook groups asking if anyone in the South Okanagan had received my two parcels by mistake.

Just on the off chance .... BNI (Postmedia couriers) claims that they delivered my missing package to my address in Penticton on September 24th. I did not receive it. Has anyone, anywhere in the Okanagan Valley seen a heavy Amazon box, containing 43 copies of my mystery novel SMASHED? And there is another box that's missing, 39 copies of CORKED?
I am desperate to resolve this problem, which has been occupying too much of my time for over a month. Please message me if you know anything! It will be a huge financial hit for me if Amazon or BNI won't refund my money.
Cheers Lynda Lock, Penticton.

43 copies missing 

Yesterday I emailed the City of Penticton asking if by chance any of their employees at the Campbell Mountain Landfill (city dump) had noticed one or two large Amazon boxes of books. They are in the process of checking with their staff. 

I seriously doubt that I will ever find the boxes but I am trying to prove what happened to the two missing deliveries.

36 days later and I am still being stonewalled with vague responses such as these:

"Firstly, I apologies for all the inconvenience caused in regards to your shopping experience with us. During your free time please write back via email to us with the following information:" 
-Order number
-Name of the item or ASIN, quantity is applicable
-Description of the issue
-Assistance you may require Or please contact us via chats or calls for a faster resolution on it."

Email from the top boss! 

Jeff Bezos. Oct 30, 2024, 1:46 PM - Thank you for contacting us.

So, today I started sending out Letters to the Editor, for local newspapers.

My next task will be to send letters to any American newspapers that will post my letters. 

I am stressed. Very stressed. But I am not giving up.


PS: there is a lot more information on my previous posts on this blog starting October 24th. 

BC Woman held in a concrete cell at US border for 11 days, with 30 other women

  B.C. woman headed home after visa rejection led to 11 days in U.S. custody: Jasmine Mooney held for 11 days and counting, moved to Arizo...