Thursday, April 27, 2023

Getting ready for Sparky's Epic Adventure!


It's been a busy and expensive week getting ready for Sparky's Epic Adventure starting Monday, May 1st.

Tuesday: interior car detailing by Auto Aveda on Okanagan Avenue.

Wednesday: a hair appointment for me at Rose&Co on Main Street.

Wednesday: a new foam mattress from Hagel's Upholstery covering the backseat of my car for the Fuzz-butt to lounge on as we drive across North America.

And today: a tire change-out and servicing from Canadian Tire in Penticton.

My poor bank account took a big hit this week! Only 4 more sleeps until we are on our way.

Cheers Lynda and Sparky.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Sparky's Epic Adventure - begins May 1st 2023

Sparky and I are going on a cross-country adventure that, if all goes well, will take us from British Columbia to Newfoundland Canada, across several American states, and the ten Canadian provinces. 

I will be posting regular updates on my Facebook page and on this blogsite. We hope you follow along on our adventures. 

Cheers, Lynda. Sparky sends his woofs!

Our book of plans, reservations, and adventures.

Claude Malhuret, French Senate: "Trump’s message is that there is no point in being his ally"

Claude Malhuret Member of the French Senate March 2025 Transcript below of an incredibly powerful and accurate speech in the French Senate t...