Thursday, January 16, 2020

Out and about in our new 'hood

Calle Quebrada near my place 
I am Canadian. I was born, raised, married and lived for fifty-seven years in Canada until we moved to Mexico in 2008. I love my country but I admit, I really love the European feel of Mexican towns and cities, where small businesses are conveniently located close at hand. Similar to Isla Mujeres, in our new 'hood I can find a lot of items within a few blocks interspersed between the houses. 

It's a bit chiller here than my previous location of Isla Mujeres on the Caribbean side of Mexico, and I needed warmer clothing. Two blocks away a small store had the quilted black vests, that are very popular in San Miguel for $270.00 Mx pesos. (About $18.00 CDN). I stood on the sidewalk with Sparky at my feet while the young lady rooted around to find the size I needed. I tried it on, and handed her the money. Done! 

Purchases are handed over without plastic bags as of Jan 1st.
Up the street is a veterinarian who also stocks doggie beds, bowls, harnesses and different types of food in his tiny space. Sparky has a second bed to snooze while I am writing, and new inexpensive water bowls on each level so that he doesn't have to walk too far for a drink. They also carry a brand of food that he can eat without bloating up with really stinky gas. 

I know, TMI. Too much information.

My jazzy new red hose!
The best find so far is a tiny hardware store that is about five-feet wide, and who-knows-how-deep. It disappears into the dark dimly lit depths, beyond where I can easily see. The family is very helpful to this Spanglish speaking Gringa. Sparky and I step about two feet inside the doorway and wait at the counter while they find what I need. A few days ago I wanted a another garden hose so that I didn't have to lug the only hose from the second level to the rooftop to water the pots. Their son custom-made me a new one. 

"How long?" He asked.

I shrugged, "Ten meters, I guess."

"What colour? Red? Green?"


"Do you also want the male and female connections?"

"Si, por favor."

And for about $10.00 CDN, I got my custom-made garden hose.

Fresh juice stand
The chicken store, drugstore, bakery, pharmacy, hair salon, barber, shoe store, and street vendors are all within a two-block radius from our house. On the main streets are dozens of restaurant options and cafes. 

I am really enjoying this small-store shopping, and I am resisting the big Costco shop that we typically did once a month when we lived on Isla Mujeres. 

I am trying to buy fresh, eat fresh, and not stockpile supplies. How much food does one person really need?

Cheers from San Miguel de Allende

Lynda and The Sparkinator

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1 comment:

Mr. Bill said...

Thanks for your info. Looking forward to our visit.

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