Thursday, January 23, 2020

Chihuahuas, chickens, children and clothing

Si, this is me after a Pink Room make-over!!
I had my hair done recently here in San Miguel de Allende at The Pink Room. 

The calm, serene environment made me smile. 

It was nothing like my normal hair appointments on Isla Mujeres, where a parade of relatives, kids, and dogs, or even customers interested in buying clothes ambled through my friend Amaranta Ancona Cerveras' home. 

She lived about a block south of my casa and hair appointments were always an adventure. 

Behind her house were an assortment of roosters and chickens owned by a neighbour. The roosters didn't know they were scheduled to crow only at sunrise. 

They bellowed whenever they felt the need, which would set Amaranta's two ankle-biting chihuahua-security-alarms into a frenzy of barking and yapping. 

In the same neighbourhood - but not the noisy roosters.
Some days her large assortment of siblings, cousins, nieces and nephews would be in and out of her house chatting, searching for another relative, or wanting their hair cut in a particular way for the start of school the next day.

I always marveled at Amaranta's unflappable ability to, as Katie Cain once said, simultaneously manage at least four clients. She was efficient, quick and inexpensive. Color, shampoo, cut, blow-dry and you were on your way. 

At my request Amaranta spoke only Spanish to me, to try and force my brain to hear the words. I usually understood what she was saying, especially when the story was accompanied by hand gestures and hilarious facial expressions. I miss my monthly entertainment.

The two chihuahuas and her son, a few years ago
Amaranta and her young family have moved to the colonial town of Izamal, near Valladolid. The move was to benefit her son, with a better education at a good private school. She is working at the Tattoo Barber Shop G-P in Izamal, taking appointments for new and former clients. 

She does return to the island on a fairly regular basis to visit with her large and extended family and take care of long-time customers. 

However, for me, that doesn't work. I just have to get used to the peace and quiet. It's relaxing, but not nearly as entertaining.

Now, where did I put my glass of champagne?

Cheers from Mexico

Wandy and Olga on a warm summer's evening

Islanders probably remember Amaranta's grandparents, Wandy and Olga, sitting on their front steps and greeting passersby. Wandy recently passed away, leaving another hole in the fabric of the neighbourhood. 


Grab your copy today! Murder and mayhem. Revenge and romance on Isla Mujeres. Available on Amazon as e-books and paperbacks.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Out and about in our new 'hood

Calle Quebrada near my place 
I am Canadian. I was born, raised, married and lived for fifty-seven years in Canada until we moved to Mexico in 2008. I love my country but I admit, I really love the European feel of Mexican towns and cities, where small businesses are conveniently located close at hand. Similar to Isla Mujeres, in our new 'hood I can find a lot of items within a few blocks interspersed between the houses. 

It's a bit chiller here than my previous location of Isla Mujeres on the Caribbean side of Mexico, and I needed warmer clothing. Two blocks away a small store had the quilted black vests, that are very popular in San Miguel for $270.00 Mx pesos. (About $18.00 CDN). I stood on the sidewalk with Sparky at my feet while the young lady rooted around to find the size I needed. I tried it on, and handed her the money. Done! 

Purchases are handed over without plastic bags as of Jan 1st.
Up the street is a veterinarian who also stocks doggie beds, bowls, harnesses and different types of food in his tiny space. Sparky has a second bed to snooze while I am writing, and new inexpensive water bowls on each level so that he doesn't have to walk too far for a drink. They also carry a brand of food that he can eat without bloating up with really stinky gas. 

I know, TMI. Too much information.

My jazzy new red hose!
The best find so far is a tiny hardware store that is about five-feet wide, and who-knows-how-deep. It disappears into the dark dimly lit depths, beyond where I can easily see. The family is very helpful to this Spanglish speaking Gringa. Sparky and I step about two feet inside the doorway and wait at the counter while they find what I need. A few days ago I wanted a another garden hose so that I didn't have to lug the only hose from the second level to the rooftop to water the pots. Their son custom-made me a new one. 

"How long?" He asked.

I shrugged, "Ten meters, I guess."

"What colour? Red? Green?"


"Do you also want the male and female connections?"

"Si, por favor."

And for about $10.00 CDN, I got my custom-made garden hose.

Fresh juice stand
The chicken store, drugstore, bakery, pharmacy, hair salon, barber, shoe store, and street vendors are all within a two-block radius from our house. On the main streets are dozens of restaurant options and cafes. 

I am really enjoying this small-store shopping, and I am resisting the big Costco shop that we typically did once a month when we lived on Isla Mujeres. 

I am trying to buy fresh, eat fresh, and not stockpile supplies. How much food does one person really need?

Cheers from San Miguel de Allende

Lynda and The Sparkinator

Come join the adventure!

Grab your copy today - Amazon, e-books and paperback

Thursday, January 9, 2020

My view of San Miguel de Allende - by Sparky

Early morning in San Miguel - before the streets get crowded
Hi, this is Sparky. My hooman, whom I call Servant, said it is my turn to write the blog. 

We recently moved from Isla Mujeres off the eastern coast of Mexico, to San Miguel de Allende located in the mountainous region north of Mexico City. We left the hot sunny beaches for a cooler climate. I was born with an enlarged heart and the heat bothers me. Here I can walk for an hour and not get tired. 
Rooftop terraza at our hotel 

After a week in a funny hotel with lots of skinny spiral stairs to climb, we are now in our own little place. It has a sunny rooftop deck and an enclosed garden - they are my favourite places to hang out. My only complaint with our new place is the windows aren't designed for doggies to look out at the street. Everything is people height. Even the patio wall upstairs is too high for me to see over. 

Different horses - but part of the same police troop

Last night three big brown horses carrying police officers came by our house. I had to get Servant to pick me up so that I could see them. Because she was holding me in her arms Servant couldn't take a photo of the horses, so you will just have to take my word for it.

Yesterday I saw a super-fast little bird in the garden. It was a bright green colour and had a long skinny beak that looked dangerously sharp. I'm going to stay a long way away from that guy. Servant said he was a hummingbird. Funny, I didn't hear him humming, but he did chirp at me a few times.

Reading the local pee-mail
When we walk the streets in San Miguel, Servant thinks I am on the trail of suspects, criminals, and murderers, but really I am reading the pee-mail left by other doggies. 

I like it here, but I am still getting accustomed to walking on busy sidewalks. At times my hooman gets a bit testy with me, yelling,"Sparky, watch where you are going!" 

It's not my fault that the sidewalks are crowded the hundreds of pairs of feet. Those people should watch where they are going! I'm a busy detective dog.
My favourite cafe - Ojo de Agua, two blocks from home

In our neighbourhood we have discovered four restaurants that allow well-behaved doggies to come inside. 

It's a nice treat for me to lay on a sunny patio while Servant has her morning coffee, or sometimes we stop in for a glass of wine in the evening. Well, she has a glass of wine, I have a drink of water.

Well, that's all for this time. Woof! Woof! Sparky.

Protein bowl and a latte at the Ojo de Agua


Don't forget to read all about me in the Isla Mujeres Mystery series, available on Amazon in e-books, or paperback. 

Murder and mayhem. Revenge and romance.

Get your copy today!

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