Friday, June 24, 2016

A once in a life time happening – er, depending on your age

Monday June 20th Summer Solstice & Full Moon
The Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, and a full moon, both happened on Monday June 20th.  It’s a once in a life-time event, depending on your age and the time zone that you live in.  

The last time this event occurred was in 1948.  Lawrie was six and I wasn’t even a gleam in my father’s eye, so we decided we should commemorate the night in style. 


No, we didn’t dance naked around a bonfire while howling at the moon, but we did cook a yummy steak dinner and open a special bottle of Argentinian Malbec.  Three weeks of a boring low-carb, alcohol-free diet were tossed out with the wine cork.  Heck, this might be the last summer solstice, full moon in our lifetime.  Let’s go crazy! 

Mid-afternoon on Rueda Medina
Even Mother Nature was in a celebratory mood.  After five days of grey and damp weather we had sun, glorious sun enticing flocks of day-trippers from the hotel zone in Cancun to the island.  

It seemed that every one of the thousand-plus rental golf carts were out on the roads, overloaded with tourists.  (There is one perplexing trait in a high percentage of visitors; they feel compelled to holler and yell when touring in a golf cart.  Why is that?)  

Street Vendors out in full force
Rental bicycles, and motor-scooters jammed the roadway, filling spaces between the golf carts.   Boats coming into the harbour were at their maximum capacity for passengers.  Amazing considering just a few years ago the island was deserted from the end of spring break until students were released for summer vacations.  Local hotels have been reporting record-breaking occupancy rates for the entire year.  There doesn’t seem to be a slow season on Isla Mujeres anymore.

Hundreds and hundreds of golf carts
A quick drive around the island Monday afternoon confirmed that the popular beaches were packed with sun-worshipers in an assortment of sizes and ages.  

Everyone appeared to be enjoying the warm water and brilliant sunshine.  Restaurant waiters hustled to and fro with drinks and food. They don’t seem to have a problem keeping their weight at a manageable level; back and forth trudging through the hot sand hundreds of times a day.  It’s a great workout.
Summer Solstice on Rueda Medina 2011
We spent the evening watching the sunset from our street side deck, then slipped over to the ocean side upper deck to enjoy the moon rise.  

Last Monday’s balmy weather, another glass of fabulous red wine, and great company was a perfect way to celebrate this rare evening.   And, yes, we are back to our boring low-carb, alcohol-free diet – for at least another month.

The next summer solstice full moon is predicted for 2062.  Lawrie will be 120 years old.  He says he’ll be there celebrating!  Me, at 111 years old?  I’ll probably still be battling fat cells.

Hasta Luego
Lynda & Lawrie

Our favourite oceanside deck - full moon rising


laura ann loveland said...

I enjoy your postings very much. Not only are they informative, but also fun and personal. Do you leave Isla during the "low season"? If so, you will be missed until your return. Gracias, Laura from Mexico and Beyond: Laura's Photo Journey on the other coast of Mexico.

Lynda & Lawrie said...

Hi Laura - thank you for the nice comments. I enjoy your blog as well. Especially the photos! We live here year-around, no other home. Summer times are humid but we love the different critters that come to visit, such a sea turtles, whale sharks, and dolphins. Thanks again. Cheers Lynda & Lawrie

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