Friday, January 9, 2015

Unique souvenirs of Isla

A photograph of an iconic location on Isla - great souvenir!
Displays of delicate seaglass jewelery, stacks of quirky hand-painted signs, decorating accessories, greeting cards, and hand-crafted clothing overflowed the tables, that vendors had set up in the municipal plaza in centro.

Another great souvenir - bilingual book
This month the Artists' Fair was held on the first Friday of the month, instead of the first Thursday – that being New Year's Day this year. Since the all-night New Year's Eve party in centro didn't wrap up until late in the morning, not many vendors or customers would have been able or willing to attend an art fair.
On Friday afternoon, Lawrie and I packed up a stack of books, a display table, chairs, tablecloths, banners and assorted other paraphernalia to set up our booth at the fair. It reminded us of when we were still working for a living, attending big conventions and trade shows, lugging in heavy boxes and display items. At least here the location is small and intimate, and we didn't have far to walk. We even planned ahead this time and had a small two-wheel hand-truck for the heavier items.
Island Girl - hand painted fun signs
The fair was busy with friends and tourists, cruising around to examine the various displays. A number of local restaurants had samples of their food for sale at ten pesos a taste. Barlito's, Gringo Burgers, Sonny's Pizza and Due Torri were some of the ones that we noticed - serving up yummy samples of wings, fries, burger bites, pizza, lasagna, and even apple pie. The idea was a big hit with the roving crowd.
Souvenir hunting tourists and locals
In our little location we enjoyed a steady stream of fans dropping by to say hello, or to purchase our book: The Adventures of Thomas the Cat – Las Aventuras de Tomás el Gato

Lior, Isabel and Maya - young fans!
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the story line of this first book, it begins with our adoption of a tiny stray kitten, and ends on Isla Mujeres with the grown-up Thomas making friends with a number of the local animals. 
Written in both English and Spanish, it makes a unique souvenir of your vacation to Isla Mujeres, and is a purrfect gift for the youngsters in your life. 
One charming young lady by the name of Isabel, stopped by to inform me that she owned a copy of the book, and had read it all by herself - several times. Impressive! Being avid readers ourselves, it makes us smile to know that youngsters still enjoy reading.
Sandra showcasing her Yesterday's News handmade items
The second book: The Adventures of Thomas and the Pirate, is scheduled to be published in October 2015. (I have ideas for many more books in the series.) Now if I could only convince Thomas to do personal appearances …....
Whatever your preference for a souvenir, or a keepsake, the Artists' Fair is a great location to find that special item, for you or a friend.
Come join the fun at the next one: Thursday February 5th. We'll see you there!
Brenda LaMonica and Eileen Regn - lots of great ideas for gifts
BadAss Billy Greeting cards - he is the model all the cards

Hasta Luego
Lynda and Lawrie

This week's photo credits: Marcy Watt, Lynda Lock and Tiffany Yenawine Wareing

You can find us on the web at:
Humerous stories about critters we have known:


Ann said...

We will finally be back on Isla for the next Artist Fair & I will be buying a book!

Gailmarie7 said...

Always wonderful! Many thanks!

Lynda & Lawrie said...

Good morning Ann - Yipee! to both parts of your comment: back on Isla, and buying a book!

Lynda & Lawrie said...

Hi Gail: Thank you again! Cheers L

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