Friday, August 9, 2013

The Cookie Ladies:

Some for me and some for you

Kenia Osorio & Rossmery Avila
What do you do when your friends beg for more: more gooey-good brownies, more decadently delicious Moon Pies, more buttery chocolate chip cookies?  

It’s simple.  Start a business!

Accomplished bakers and cousins Rossmery Avila and Kenia Osorio Fernandez started Delicias Galletas Decoradas in response to urging from friends.  

Both women are well-known and have a large extended family group living on the island.  

Rossmery and Kenia were born on Isla, with ancestors from the Yucatán, Mérida, and Spain. 

Cool Spiderman Cookies
Rossmery is married to Omar Nieblas, and they have a beautiful little daughter, Camila.  Omar was a pitcher with the Mexican professional baseball league – Liga Mexicana de Beisbol- for many years. 

Kenia Osorio is the decorating specialist.  She created the fabulous Spiderman birthday cookies for Barlow Wareing’s birthday party.  All of the little kids, including Lawrie, thought the cookies were amazing – wishing they could have two instead of just one! 

If you want to order your very own supply of decadent treats contact Rossmery or Kenia via email: or via telephone at 877-0665.  

If you don’t have any idea of what a carrot cake with cream cheese filling Moon Pie is, you need to try one – right away! 

Photo from their FaceBook page Carrot Cake & Cream Cheese Moon Pies

And some for our four-legged friends

Bessie and gourmet dog cookies
If you are a four-legged client in need of a cookie – then Bessie Hamaker should be your very best friend.  Bessie has recently branched out into making gourmet dog cookies.  

Long-time resident of Isla she is well-known for her beautiful shell mirrors, displayed in some of the best locations on Isla: Barlito’s Café and Bakery, Olivia’s Restaurante, Su Casa, and a number of private homes including a matching pair made for Steve and Lindell Lehrer.  Bessie first discovered Isla Mujeres in 1981.  She finally made the move in 1988 to live full-time on the island, working at the Cristalmar Hotel on Sac Bajo for a time before retiring.  Over the years her elaborate mirrors have migrated to homes in New York, California, Texas, France and Italy.

Corner detail of mirror owned by Norris Blevens
As for her dog biscuit business; the cookies are made from natural ingredients of rice, barley, milk, eggs, plus chicken or beef livers.  The sample bag we brought home got a two-tails-wagging review from the beach dogs Odd and Missy.  

A sample bag of 100 grams costs $30.00 pesos (under $3.00) but if you are treating a beach dog or neighbourhood pooch Bessie will give you a break on the price; buy one get one free.   Bessie would be happy to deliver although she is conveniently located near Chedraui in the middle of the island should you wish to pick up a supply.  Don’t forget to keep these treats in the freezer.  They don’t have any preservatives and will spoil in the tropical heat. 

Mirror owned by N. Blevens

Contact Bessie at 998-116-2987 to place an order.  If you are a four-legged client, perhaps you could get your human to make the call for you.  

Prices: 100 grams $30 pesos, 200 grams $60 pesos, 450 grams $125 pesos.

So, now you are all set for cookies; cookies for you, cookies for your friends, and cookies for your four-legged pals.  

Never mind the calories.  There is always another Monday to start a diet.

Hasta Luego          

Lynda and Lawrie

PS: When I was attempting to photograph the mirror Norris's puppy was buzzing around my feet.  I tried to get him in the photo but he only showed as a dark blur - moving and wiggling around too much.  So, Mighty Manfred, I apologize for not including your photo.  You are a sweetie.

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