Friday, July 20, 2012

Summertime and the Living is Easy

Icy cold cervesas

"How can you live in Mexico in the summertime?"  It's a frequently asked question and has a simple answer.  "Easily!  It's great."  The winds die down, and the temperature and humidity rise a bit, but not as much as you would think.  Living on the Caribbean side of the island - the windward side - we typically have a cooling breeze most of the year.  In the summer it is still breezy, but not windy.  The ocean flattens out and the waves turn into ripples. 

Swimming with Whale Sharks on Isla Mujeres
Summertime is the only time you can swim with the benign giants, the Whale Sharks , the biggest fish in the world.  They migrate here in May and usually stay until late September. 

It's hard to get the proper perspective on the size of the Whale Sharks, until they slide along beside or under a 31-foot boat – then you see that they are scary big, reaching up to a 40-foot length.

Large pod of Whale Sharks off Isla Mujeres

And swimming towards a freaking big fish with a huge mouth that is open wide – it is spine-tingling fabulous!   Even Sir Richard Branson, owner of Virgin Air among other things, has twice produced a TV show depicting his experience of swimming with the Whale Sharks.  

The Whale Sharks are still hunted in the Philippines for Shark Fin Soup, but not in Mexico.  Here they are a protected tourist attraction.

One hundred and twenty Sea Turtle eggs
Summertime is also the only time we have nocturnal visits from the sea turtles. 

The females land under cover of dark, or in the pre-dawn hours on our beaches, digging several holes in the sand until the perfect nesting site is found. 

The beaches look like something out of a war movie by the time the ladies have finished with them.  Huge holes as if a mortar-shell had hit the ground - blowing sand and debris in a wide circle. 

During the night various employees of the Turtle Farm patrol the beaches, looking for nests, and gathering the eggs for hatching in a safe environment.  In late September and early October the hatchlings will be released back to the various beaches, starting the cycle all over again.

Ciro, Javier, Julio & Miguel play for singer Jen Rae.

And the other fun ways we keep ourselves amused in summer? 

Listen to live music, recently being featured at a number of bars and restaurants.

Or buy a delicious Panini sandwich from Barlito's on Hidalgo Avenue to enjoy at home while taking a cooling dip in our pool.

Evening sail with Induna Charters

Or gaze at the ocean, watching the fabulous sunsets, while quaffing cold cheap beer - buckets of these icy little treats usually cost less in the summer as an inducement to patronizing the various restaurants. 

Or take an evening sailing cruise around the island with Induna Charters. 

Or if I really get ambitious I borrow a kayak from family members and paddle out to the reef in front of our house. 

Kayaking on a summer day!

It is really pretty darn easy to live here during the summer. 


Life's a Beach! said...

I think we could handle living on Isla year round! : )

Lynda & Lawrie said...

I think you could too! Maybe one day you and Craig will be full-time islanders. Cheers L

Graeme said...

Tanx Lynda,

Great blog, as usual.

Do you, or do you have knowledge of, diving on the reef in front of your house ?

Also, do you ever go for a kayak round the isla ?



Lynda & Lawrie said...

Hi Graeme - darn now I have to confess my fear of the reef! I am a huge chicken when it comes to swimming in the ocean. I can happily swim with the Whale Sharks - no problem, but swimming out to the reef. Nope. As for going around the island in a Kayak. No, too rough at the south and north points for me. I just fool around on the calm seas. I have seen braver souls - and younger souls - than I on paddle boards, and kayaks doing a circumnavigation of the island. Bravo! Cheers Lynda

Graeme said...

Thanks Lynda,

Now you've acknowledged that fear, now we can begin to make progress.

We'll have you SWIMMING round the island before we know it !

Hasta luego,


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