Friday, July 27, 2012

5th Annual Island Time - Summer Music Event

5th Annual?  How did we miss the other four? 

Michael Lepines & Jackie Walker hosts of Island Time

When I pointed out to Jackie Walker, proprietor of Jax Bar & Grill, that we have lived on Isla Mujeres for four years and this was the first time that we had heard about this event, she looked at me and said: "Well, that's disturbing!" 

Now, she could have meant; you silly person, where have you been?  Or maybe she meant; damn, I'm not reaching everyone possible with our advertising medium. 

Either way - we had a fabulous time on Wednesday night listening to the great Texas tunes of the Tejas Brothers, and special guest star Larry Joe Taylor. 

Tejas Brothers Band at Jax Bar & Grill on Isla Mujeres

The Tejas Brothers started off at seven-thirty, and quickly had everyone bobbing along to the music, dancing in their chairs, and playing imaginary keyboards on the table tops while enjoying the great food and beverages at Jax. 

The upstairs patio was packed with groups of people who had come to Isla just for the event - apparently they were paying attention to the advertising.

This is how you make an accordion look cool!
The group has so much fun playing music together their enjoyment is infectious.  Dave Perez, vocals and accordion, kept the audience laughing with his antics on 'how to make an accordion sound and look cool.'  

He started playing the accordion in 1988, practicing diligently for weeks before performing at a neighbourhood Mexican restaurant. 

Eventually Dave's musical curiosity led him to the stage at the Stockyards in Fort Worth where he jammed with local musicians, finally making the decision to put a band together. 

According to the band's bio: "After weeks of performing together the magic started.  People in the audience felt it.  The guys on stage felt it.  A band, a real band was forming. 

A few more gigs and the name Tejas Brothers was created." 

Everyone having a great time enjoying the tunes.
Special guest Larry Joe Taylor, on the other hand, started out as a avid fan of music in the 1970's. 

Forty years later he is a respected singer, and songwriter, and the driving force behind a number of music events in New Mexico, and Texas. 

He writes, performs, produces, and promotes his own special brand of music.  LJT, as he is also known, donates his time and talents to numerous causes and events.  

Do not go fishing with these men!
 One of his favourite events Island Time is held on his favourite island, Isla Mujeres.  The event also coincides with his birthday. 

There were a lot of giggles from the crowd when Larry Joe Taylor tried to unobtrusively hook up his guitar and join in the fun. 

The amplifier cords were a spaghetti-tangled mess that took a few minutes to unravel, while Dave Perez kept up a running commentary, teasing Larry Joe Taylor about his grand entrance. 

When the electrical and amplifier cords finally got sorted out and the whole group sang "Will the Circle be Unbroken?" everyone was up on their feet holding hands, singing along with the song. Pretty cool! 
Dancing to the tunes

You picked a great place to celebrate your birthday, LJT. 

Next year, we'll pay attention, Jackie.  

We'll be there for more than just the last night's performance.

The Tejas Brothers with special guest Larry Joe Taylor

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