Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Pilates on a Moto

It's new!  It's easy!  And it's guaranteed to tighten up your core muscles (abdominal 6-pack, butt muscles, hamstrings, and calf muscles).  Be the first in your group to try Pilates on a Moto. Our exercise program is available for kids, dogs, men and women.

There are only two pieces of equipment required for this new and exciting exercise - a moto (either a scooter or motorbike will do) and a helmet.  Below are a few suggested exercises:

1.  I-Can-Carry-an 8-Foot-Extension-Ladder-on-my-Moto: Equipment required include the moto, helmet, and an extension ladder.  Hold the ladder with one arm, and get on the moto.  The balance and coordination required to start the moto, and move forward while holding the ladder will give your body a good all over workout.  Watch out for pedestrians and telephone poles while you are performing this exercise!
Exercise #1  I-Can-Carry-an-8-Foot-Extension-Ladder -on-my-Moto

2. My-Friend-and-I-Can-Carry-a-4-Foot-by-4-Foot-Mirror:  This exercise requires the participation of a second person.  The driver mounts the moto, holding it steady while the friend gets on behind holding a 4 x 4 mirror.  When the moto is moving the wind resistance on the mirror will provide a great workout for the rider, and increase his heart rate as he cannot see anything.  This exercise also works well with a 3-foot diameter plastic patio table, large boxes, or ventilation fans.  Use your imagination, try different items to get a full-body workout.

3. I-Can-Push-My-Friend's-Moto-to-the-Gas-Station:  It takes a lot of coordination and balance to perform this exercise correctly as one moto is stopped dead, out of fuel, and must be pushed slowly by the driver of the working moto -using only his right foot - to attain driving speed.  The person on the non-functioning moto will achieve some degree of exercise anticipating the movements of the driver who is pushing him.
Exercise #3  I-Can-Push-My-Friend's-Moto-to-the-Gas-Station

4. My-Dog-Can-Drive-the-Moto: This exercise will require the participation of your canine friend who must keep his or her front feet balanced, at all times, on the handlebars of the moto.  This is a very popular exercise amongst both the gringo and the local community. It gives your pet a complete body workout as well as providing a bit of humorous distraction for other drivers.

Other exercises in our exciting series include:

Watch for our DVD's and with companion illustrated book appearing soon on Amazon.com or Sony Book Store!!!!

 Okay, enough with the silliness. 


Aging Pets:

A few weeks ago I asked my friend Dr. Delfino Guevara - our local veterinary - what happens when one of our cats or dogs dies?  I guess it was on my mind because we were going to be away for two weeks visiting friends in Canada, and I wanted my sister Joann to have the information - just in case. 

Delfino popped by our house with a booklet on pet cremation.  Wow!  I knew it was available in Canada and the USA, but never thought that it would be available here in Mexico.  Delfino said the cremation service employees in Cancun will come over to the island and retrieve the animal, and then return the ashes to the island. The prices were definitely better than Canada.  Depending on the size of the animal, (cat or dog) and whether or not I wanted the ashes returned to me, the prices were anywhere from around $50.00 to $175.00.  Good to know as we have one cat "Tommy" who is 12, a beach dog "Missy" who could be somewhere around 8 or 9 years old, and "Odd" the other beach dog who is probably about 6 years old, and crazy little "Chica" my Mexican kitty who is only about 3 years old. 

Isla Mujeres Mystery series 
available on Amazon, iTunes, Kobo, Nook and more.

E-books and paperback!


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