Saturday, July 4, 2020

COVID19 has blown out our birthday candles

Val and grandkids on her 65th birthday
It's a birthday celebration! Time to blow out the candles on a fancy birthday cake, gently spraying the cake with our saliva and germs. 

And in some cases we moisten the cake with the combined saliva and germs of other family members or friends who are celebrating on the same day. 

The late night musings of my over-active mind.

It really is an odd custom, but until COVID19 came along to dramatically alter our world and our lives no one even gave it a thought. It's what you did. Make a wish and lather your birthday cake with your germs.
Celebrating Val's 75th on a road trip

Or in the case of some children's parties - particularly in Mexico - the kid's face is shoved into the cake, then the remains are served to the guests. Yum; skin cells, eyelashes, and assorted fluids.

Searching back through my collection of photographs I found lots of fun memories captured in time. 

One of my all-time favourites is a rare photo from my third birthday with my oldest sister Valdine helping me blow out my candles. 

I was the fourth and last daughter. By the time I came along Mom and Dad were so over the photo-taking mania that happens with the oldest child, a little less with the second baby, even less with the third youngster and practically non-existent with the last kid. Lynda who? 

My third birthday with my sister Val helping me

This weekend we are celebrating my sister's 80th birthday, in a socially-responsible way, outdoors in my niece's large yard. I am looking forward to visiting with nieces and their spouses, great-nieces, and great-nephews plus our combined collection of doggies and one very large cat. 

But, late last night I got to thinking. What about her birthday cake? How is my sister going to handle that one? 

How do you blow out candles wearing a face mask? And who would want to eat a cake that has been decorated with germs? And if you don't blow out the birthday candles, do you still get to
Thomas the Cat on his 16th birthday
 make a wish? It's a conundrum. 

I think if I owned a birthday candle manufacturing company I would be very worried about the future. 

The colourful paper plates, napkins, and balloons will probably have a future in our post-COVID19 lives, but birthday candles? I think they will overtime disappear from the retailers. Retailers can't afford to stock an item that no one wants. COVID19 has blown the fun out of life.

Happy 80th Birthday to my sister Valdine, with love from your annoying baby sister. I am so pleased that we can still infect our birthday cakes together. This year featured a dish of her favourite blueberries and bananas. 

Val on her 50th birthday

New, new, new! 
Twisted Isla, Book #6 the Isla Mujeres Mystery series
Grab your copy today - here's the Amazon link for e-books or paperbacks.

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