Friday, December 27, 2019

Why San Miguel de Allende?

San Miguel de Allende at sunrise, December 
Why did you choose San Miguel de Allende? 

That one question keeps coming up on my Facebook posts, over and over again. After skimming the last few blogs I realized I hadn't fully explained my reasons. So, here's the Cole's Notes version:

#1 my fascination with history 
When Lawrie and I, plus his sister and brother-in-law, drove from BC Canada to Isla Mujeres in 2008, one of our stops was San Miguel. We arrived on October 31st, and stayed until November 2nd. We were in the city during the Day of the Dead, Día de los Muertoscelebrations. I was hooked, and always wanted to return to more fully explore the city.

That beautiful blue ocean
#2 change is good
Lawrie and I were restless people, always looking for the next adventure. We
had several discussions, while enjoying our evening glass of wine, about where would we like to live if we ever tired of looking at the Caribbean Sea. He was reluctant to leave the warm temperatures and our view of turquoise water. He insisted he never wanted be cold again, so we stayed and enjoyed our lives on Isla Mujeres.

City park in San Miguel de Allende in December 
#3 a more temperate climate
We loved the warmth of the Caribbean area of Mexico, but neither one of us were sunworshippers. We rarely ventured to the beach, preferring instead to hang out in the shade of our palapa, or refresh ourselves in our own pool. One of our cheeky friends suggested that we didn't even know how to find Playa Norte. I flapped a hand in the general direction of the north end of the island and replied, "it's over there, somewhere."

Summers on Isla Mujeres can be very hot and humid. Not as hot as some parts of Mexico, or the southern USA, but occasionally uncomfortable. We rarely used our air conditioning except to sleep at night during the months of July, August, and September. We had adjusted quite well to the climate, until recently. I think as I get older the heat effects me more. Showering and changes my clothes three times a day became a bit of a bother. 
Image from San Miguel Writers' Conference

#4 a flourishing community of writers and artists
I started writing and self-publishing books in 2014. The first was my bilingual book for children The Adventures of Thomas the Cat - Las Aventuras de Tomás el Gato in partnership with islander Diego Medina. Then in 2016 I self-published my first novel Treasure Isla. Since then I have published four more novels in the Isla Mujeres Mystery series, and Diego and I are working on completing the second bilingual book for kids. I am hopeful that my new community will help improve my writing skills.

#5 And, San Miguel has only a few memories associated with Lawrie and I as a couple.
As I posted in my December 20th blog, I finally realized I was being crushed by the  powerful memories of a romantic and joyful life. He was on every street corner and in every restaurant. He shares my morning coffee, my afternoon meal, and my evening glass of wine. 

He is still with me and always will be, but I can walk these streets without living in the past, our past. 

I am looking forward to this next chapter of my life.

Cheers from San Miguel de Allende
Lynda, and my furry sidekick, Sparky

Murder and mayhem. Revenge and romance.
Grab your copy today on Amazon

A surprise gift - Sparky's story
Proceeds donated to Clinicia de veterinaria de IM
to help island animals. 

1 comment:

Doreese said...

We will miss seeing you Sparky and Boo on Isla but those all sound like valid reasons to explore a new location. I hope the vistas will provide you with new inspiration for writing and healing for your heart.

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