Friday, April 1, 2016

Sergio’s Isla Art

Sergio the artist - Tiffany Wareing photo
He has an irrepressible smile that lights up his weathered face; whether he is teaching batik, painting a mural or riding his bicycle he is always smiling. 

Sergio was born sixty-two years ago in Champotoń in the state of Campeche into a family of three sisters and three brothers.  His family moved to Isla Mujeres when he was a young boy, and he has lived on the island, on and off, for over fifty years.  When he was a younger man Sergio worked on several construction projects in the Tulum area. 

Sergio - at the Isla Mujeres Art Fair - photo from FB page
And then there was a seven-year period when he lived twenty-five meters above ground, in a very primitive tree-house.  

When asked by a friend why he lived so high up he replied with a face-splitting grin. 

“You have to get above the snakes!”  

That’s about eighty-two feet above the ground, a long way down if you roll over in the night, forgetting you are high up in the trees. 

Sergio - photo Ceceila Hart-Hodges
Keenly interested in anything to do with art since he was a small child, Sergio has mastered the Indonesian technique of Rōkézūzūmi batik.   

His gorgeous wall hangings are complex and brightly coloured, depicting Maya themes.  

They can be purchased at the Isla Mujeres Art Fair which takes place the first Thursday of every month between November and April.  The Art Fair is located at the Casa de Cultura in Centro, on the eastern side of the island near the municipal esplanade.

Sergio teaching kids at the Casa de Cultura
Sergio has also done a number of wall murals, the most recent being the Maya goddess IxChel on Ronda and Bruce Robert’s house, next door to our casa.  

And on Tuesdays and Thursdays he teaches classes in batik or tie-dying at the Casa de Cultura.  

The information is available on his Facebook page, thanks to John and Valerie Pasnau who are the energy behind promoting Sergio’s artworks.

Recent students, Danielle, Barbara, and Carol
Here’s the information for art lessons from Sergio:
There are two classes a week, every week, Tuesday and Thursday.
Start time is 10 am, Gringo time. 
Finish time is when we finish, Mexican time, about three hours.
Fee is 350 pesos plus 50 pesos to cover materials. You will make a batik or tie-dye wall hanging.
Sergio's work - photo Isla Art Fair FB page
Classes are held in the Cultural Center in Centro.  Classroom door is in the center courtyard.  
If the front door is closed walk around to the Caribbean side. The courtyard is open on that side.
We hope you will let us know in advance if you plan to come, but drop-ins are welcome.
So, either way, get some beautiful art; purchase one of Sergio’s creations, or make your own fabulous wall hanging.  
What a great souvenir of a vacation in paradise.

Hasta Luego

Lynda & Lawrie

Sergio - fascinating mural at John & Valerie's house


laura ann loveland said...

Another colorful and fun post! You bring Caribbean sunshine to the Pacific coast of Mexico. Gracias, Laura from

Lynda & Lawrie said...

Hi Laura - thank you. Would you like to add us and we will add you to our blog list? Cheers L & L

Diane Daniel said...

Great post! Love Sergio - one of the sweetest people I've ever met!

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