Friday, January 23, 2015

The Price of Dreaming

White sand beach near Hotel del Posada - original lighthouse
Most of us like to dream about a holiday away, somewhere different than our home town or city, perhaps someplace warm to break up the chill of the winter months. 
Dreaming costs money!
Until a month ago our number three spot in readership was held by Russia, just behind the USA and Mexico. Now, with the ruble in a free fall against the American dollar and other world currencies, they barely register anymore on our daily and weekly totals. I guess their vacation dreams have been dashed by the economic downturn.
Tarzan's on the Beach
On the other hand, until a few weeks ago when France was attacked by terrorists we had very few followers of this blog from that country. Suddenly, the French readership has increased dramatically. You would think that they would be hunkering down at home, instead of dreaming of vacations in the Caribbean.

Harbour with Navy boats, and car ferry
Scratching our heads over the sudden shift in readership we compared, via various internet sites, wages and cost of living in Mexico and France. The average monthly wage, after taxes, in France is around $2700.00 (USD) but everything - except of course the nationally protected French wine and bread - is much more expensive than Mexico.
Kite surfing at Playa Norte
Then, when we compared the basic cost of living in either Mexico or Russia a few surprising details stood out. First the average monthly salary for workers in both countries was very similar, hitting around $700.00 (USD). The basic foods such as vegetables, meat, eggs, and bread are similar in prices, but the Russians pay much more for rental accommodation, entertainment, restaurant meals, clothing and utilities. If that's the case there is very little money available for vacations.
The public walkway on south-east side of island
Looking at our readership numbers again caused a bit more head scratching, the Czech Republic followers have also increased substantially in the recent weeks. So, once again we compared the basic average wages and cost of living. The average worked in the Czech Republic earns around $1000.00 USD, but their expenses are slightly higher than in Mexico. It's pretty much evens out.
Sand and sun and surf - Playa Norte
Figuring out why the sudden decline in Russian readership was easy. They have less money to spend on non-essentials. But deciphering why the followers in France and the Czech Republic have dramatically increased ….. not a clue! I guess they finally discovered this part of Mexico, this little island paradise.

Beautiful gate painted tropical orange
Weekly we write about living in paradise on a tropical island, and we love it here, but it is not about a place so much as it is about an individual paradise. Whether your paradise is spending time with family, friends, your favourite critter, a great glass of wine or just relaxing, life is meant to be enjoyed.
Where ever you live, keep dreaming! Eventually your dreams will materialize. We all have our personal notes from paradise.

Hasta Luego
Lynda and Lawrie
You can also find us on the web at:
Humerous stories about critters we have known:


Gailmarie7 said...

Really interesting statistics and trends to ponder this week...something to think about. Fascinating...many thanks!

Lynda & Lawrie said...

Good morning Gail - it's always interesting for Lawrie and I to see where our readers are from. With the big increase in French and Czech the local shop keepers might have to learn a few words in those languages as well ..... I can speak Fra-Spang-Lish!

Lynda & Lawrie said...

A note from one of our readers:

"Very interesting blog this week. Thank you.

My office mate, who sits next to me, is Russian. She tells me that it is not that their currency has decreased that is causing them not to travel, but that the political instability is. They go to work each day hoping that their company is still around. They don’t want to venture too far from home in case something happens. They are playing the waiting game right now."

How very difficult for people to deal with that situation. Thank you for updating us. Cheers L

Facebook has suspended my account for defending my country, Canada

Hi Folks As of a few minutes ago, Facebook suspended my account because I share or repost articles defending my country, Canada, against the...