Friday, January 30, 2015

Get set for a week of world class singin' & fishin'

Sea Mistress - heading out for world class fishing
Holy cow! It's time for the 6th Annual Island Time Fishing Tournament and Fiesta, a week of great entertainment and fabulous fishing. 
This year the fun begins with a special concert sponsored by Casa de los Sueňos on Monday February 2nd, featuring a repeat festival favourite, Jon Stone, and his partner Kristy Osmunson. It's a dinner-auction-concert with tickets sold in advance. Limited supply - get yours now!
For the serious fishing-folks who are participating in the fishing tournament the Tuesday night boat registration and Captain's Meeting will again be held at Buho's on Playa Norte. 
After dinner performers Jon Stone and Lew Brice will be entertaining the crowd, and offering up auction items.

Margarita Madness at the Soggy Peso - Nick, Lew, and Jon
One of the biggest changes in the programming this year is the switch of locations for our favourite event, the-over-the-top-Margarita Madness traditionally held at the Soggy Peso Bar & Grill. This year it will be held on Wednesday Feb 4th at Fenix Restaurant and Lounge, located at Playa Norte. This hugely popular show gets underway at 1:00 in the afternoon, with Jon Stone, Lew Brice, and Joal Rush providing upbeat tunes, and raunchy repertoire until around 5:00 P.M.
Thursday Feb 5th the Little Yellow School House will host their traditional open house day at the school, with the students cooking up Mexican BBQ for visitors. It's a great opportunity to check out their outstanding efforts to educate local children who have physical, emotional, or learning disabilities. The funds raised at various events during the Island Time Fishing Tournament & Fiesta are donated to the Little Yellow School House. It's a win-win situation for everyone. The participants have fun and the school receives a large chunk of money to help with yearly operating expenses.
By Friday night, Feb 6th, everyone will be ready to rock! This year the El Patio Restaurant & House of Music is hosting a big concert with a number of talented musicians including Natalie Stoval, Hailey Steele, Joal Rush, plus Jon Stone and his partner Kristy Osmunson performing as American Young. The fun gets underway at 7:00 in the evening, and I have no clue how late they will rock on! We might have to investigate – just research, you understand.
Getting ready to head out
Are you tired yet? Well, you are not finished yet. There are two more events to take in before the week is finished. 
The Saturday night official wrap-up at Buho's will feature the trophy presentations, dinner, and auction and more great tunes from Jon Stone, Lew Brice, and Joal Rush. I don't know how these guys can maintain their energy to entertain every night of the week.

Lawrie at disco dance with Ashley and her boots
And ta da – the finale! The traditional Disco Dance Party held from 4:00 to 7:00 P.M. on Sunday Feb 8th, at Brisas Restaurant on the beach. It's a celebration of the end of another a great event.
In between all of the entertainment, dinners, and auctions some people actually go fishing! Go figure! 

Why would you want to spoil a completely fun week by heading out at dawn, on a big boat, rocking and rolling in the waves, then stick cold squiggly things on sharp hooks, all just to catch fishies? Dang – some people just don't know how to have a good time.

Sailfish lure

Seriously, this is a great event that benefits many islanders. 

As one of our island “gringo” friends likes to say: “Come on down!”
Hasta Luego
Lynda and Lawrie

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