Sunday, July 23, 2023

Sparky's Epic Adventure Across North America (Screeching in at Sunnyside B&B Newfoundland)

Master of Ceremonies Danny
“Do you want to become a Newfoundlander?” Danny a native-born Newfoundlander asked the initiates, Judy and John, who are also guests at the Sunnyside B&B owned and operated by Danny and his wife Sarah.

The "screech-in" is a ceremony performed on non-Newfoundlanders (known to Newfoundlanders as a "come from away" or "mainlander")

Wearing the traditional Sou'Wester

With a bit of prompting, reminiscent to a minister reciting wedding vows to a bride and groom, John and Judy, gave the proper response, “Yes b’y!”


Next Danny handed them the traditional sou’wester rain gear. Once they were properly dressed, he then asked, “Is ye a Screecher?”


Then exaggerating the typical Newfie lingo and speaking rapidly he prompted them to reply with, “Deed I is, me ol’ cock, and long may your big jib draw!” (That translates to, “Indeed, I am, my old friend, and may there always be wind in your sails!”)

Eating Newfie steak - bologna
Eating a piece of ‘Newfie steak,” a bit of cold bologna was the next part of the ceremony. John popped his piece in his mouth and swallowed, but Judy’s response was a variety of hilarious faces. She got it down, but not easily.

A more recent variation is the participants being required to kiss the rear end of a rubber Puffin. Either way everyone was laughing by this stage of the ceremony.

John, Kissing the Cod

Then came the kissing of a cod and more funny faces. 

There were also a number of hilariously funny and rapidly spoken Newfie verses that John and Judy had to stumble through, but I haven’t been able to find the correct lines anywhere on the internet.

Judy, Kissing the Cod

And finally, John and Judy were instructed to stand in a container of Newfoundland sea-water, recite the verse below and toss back a shot of Screech, (rum).

From the waters of the Avalon, to the shores of Labrador,

We’ve always stuck together, with a rant and a roar.

To those who’ve never been, soon they’ll understand,

From coast to coast, we raise a toast, we love thee Newfoundland!

The toast, and shot of Screech!

Where did the name Screech come from? Legend has it that Demerara Rum, from the West Indies, was very popular in Newfoundland. It was brought in, bottled, and sold in an unlabeled bottle (everyone knew what it was). During World War II, the Americans set up bases in Newfoundland. One night, a serviceman was out drinking with some locals. Eager to try the traditional drink of the province, he took a shot of the unnamed rum. When he was able to breathe again, the serviceman let loose a loud noise that was later described as some sort of horrible "screech". The name stuck.

Judy, Danny, John 

Most Newfies are no longer cod fishermen, but they enjoy letting visitors in on their sense of humor, their history, and their hooch. I love this place!


The Sunnyside B&B is an over-the-top-full-service B&B, that has RV parking and a made-in-Newfoundland gift store. With advance notice Sarah will also prepare evening meals for guests. Danny does fishing tours and the famous Screechin' In ceremony. I highly recommend staying here if you are planning to travel to Newfoundland.


Anonymous said...

I took a train trip across Canada and couldn’t understand one word the Newfies said😂

Anonymous said...

Did you get screeched in as well?

Facebook has suspended my account for defending my country, Canada

Hi Folks As of a few minutes ago, Facebook suspended my account because I share or repost articles defending my country, Canada, against the...