Thursday, June 29, 2023

Sparky's Epic Adventure Across North America (Cape Breton Highlands)

June 28th: I had a third sleepless night, and my mood was foul! 

This time my insomnia was caused by a combination of the traffic noise on the road beside the motel and a weird noise in the wall of my room. It started at 2:00 a.m. and sounded as if the people in the unit next door were sharing a vigorous shower. Except it didn't quit until 5:30 a.m., so I guess it wasn't my neighbours.

I had booked this motel for 5 days, thinking it was a cozy little cottage, with a kitchenette, located by the water. is by the water. 

I opened the curtains to more fog and thought, "Right, enough of this moping around. Fix something to get yourself out of this crappy mood." I spent a few minutes researching other dog-friendly accommodations in the area and split up the remaining 4 days between Ingonish, Sydney, and North Sydney (where I catch the ferry for Newfoundland on July 2nd).

Then I loaded up the car and we headed via the Cabot Trail to Margaree Harbour and Cheticamp on the west coast of Cape Breton. As we crested the summit near Lake O'Law, the sun broke through! 

The Cabot Trail is 298 kilometers, (186 miles) along the western side of Cape Breton Island, north to the Cape Breton Highlands National Park. And according to a cheerful young woman that I chatted with, the western side has fewer fog days than other parts of Cape Breton. 

Cape Breton Highlands western side

The road winds along spectacular cliffs and shorelines then climbs into the hills. The scenery is stunning. By 2:00 p.m., we had arrived at our next destination in Ingonish, three-quarters the way along the Cabot Trail, and not far from where we started our day. But the sun was shining, which changes everything.

Last night I was able to leave the patio door and windows open and I had the best sleep that I've had in several days.

All is well with the world once again.

Cheers Lynda and The Sparkinator

Fog! Again.

The Two Macs, gifts. NE Margaree NS

Cute name for a cafe/bar NE Margaree NS

Margaree Harbour Nova Scotia

Cape Breton Highlands eastern side

Near Ingonish, Nova Scotia. My view

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