Thursday, June 29, 2023

Sparky's Epic Adventure Across North America (Ingonish Nova Scotia)

June 29th: Did I mention the sun is shining? Yep! It's a beautifully sunny warm day, and I am really enjoying the view from my private deck in Ingonish. 

The Sparkinator and I are taking it easy today. I had a list of things I thought I should accomplish: wash the car, do laundry, wash Sparky. But amenities are few and far between in this part of the island, so everything can wait. Instead, I've spent most of the day reading and staring at the ocean.

We did a grocery run to the nearest store, 30 kilometers away in Neil's Harbour. Then on the way back to our cottage, I bought a bottle of wine at the Nova Scotia Liquor Store and a latte at The Main Street Cafe and Bakery. 

Now, back to reading my novel, A Quiet Death in Italy by Tom Benjamin.

Cheers Lynda and The Sparkinator

North Bay, Ingonish Nova Scotia

Main Street Cafe and Bakery, Ingonish NS

Love the colour combo - Neils' Harbour NS

Driving secondary road - view of Cape North 

Dozens of dead jellyfish on the beach

Last night's sunset

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