Friday, April 14, 2017

The Silly Social Side of Paradise

Turquoise water and sunny skies  
Isla Mujeres has an eclectic mix of residents. 

There are the folks who were born on this island nestled in the Caribbean Sea, as were their parents, grand-parents and several generations before them. 

There are the long-time resident expats, arriving in the early 1970’s to add their flavour to the island mix. A number of the younger expats married islanders and started families of their own. There are tourists who return year after year for an annual holiday, some for over thirty years.  And there are the newbies, the folks who have just discovered Isla Mujeres.

Mary & Charlie 2017, Bloody Mary Goodbye Party at Jax
In amongst the mix are a few hundred foreigners that have lived here part-time, or full-time for ten, fifteen or twenty-odd years. 

Many of us have become friends as we sort out the intricacies of living in a foreign country. Learn the basics of the Spanish language. Or navigate the laws and by-laws of the municipality, the state, and country.

One of the many Super Bowl parties at Charlie & Mary's

Right from our first year on Isla, Charles and Mary Simpson made us very welcome in their island home.  Well-known for their Bloody Mary Sunday morning get-togethers, or their spectacular Super Bowl Pig Roasts, Charlie and Mary were a fun-loving fixture at every gathering. 

Now, after eighteen-years of island life they are off on a new adventure. As of this week they have sold their home and are moving to Florida, closer to their children and grand-children.

Lawrie, Steve and Charlie - going fishin'
We will always have great memories of both Charlie and Mary. 

Memories of deep sea fishing on Charlie’s boat. Calm seas, with not a breath of wind, gorgeous sunrises, sea turtles, dolphins, and tiny iridescent-blue flying fish skimming over the water ahead of the boat. 

And we fished, reeling in fat Tunas, sleek Wahoo, golden coloured Dorado, and Rainbow Runners. The first fish might be caught at nine in the morning – and a minute later the first cold beer would be cracked open.

Charlie being the girl on their team
We have wacky photos of Charlie wearing a woman’s shawl as a skirt. His Cornhole bean-bag team, made up of he and Ron Berge, was required to have one woman and one man. Charlie circumvented the rules with panache. 
There are photos of Mary and Charlie in Hallowe’en costumes sprinkled throughout our collection as well as pictures of Charlie’s 80th birthday, and Mary’s 75th.  

Mary’s trademark is her beautifully coordinated outfits. I have a chest of drawers full of shorts and t-shirts. 

Mary has dresses, shoes, shawls, and jewelry all organized by colour and style into easily accessible outfits. 

Mary and Charlie at Villa la Bella party
And who hasn’t noticed Charlie’s gold fishhook piercing his left earlobe?  

Our social gatherings will certainly be a little less colourful with their departure.

Your many island friends wish you fair winds and following seas.  You will be missed.

Hasta Luego
Lynda & Lawrie

The Morning Shoppers - Charlie, Gary, Dave, Barney, Lawrie


Treasure Isla 

$2.99 USD on Amazon E-Books

Where do you think the gold might be buried?

Treasure Isla is a humorous Caribbean adventure set on Isla Mujeres, a tiny island off the eastern coast of Mexico. Two twenty-something women find themselves in possession of a seemingly authentic treasure map, which leads them on a chaotic search for buried treasure while navigating the dangers of too much tequila, disreputable men, and a killer. And there is a dog, a lovable rescue-mutt.


JoAnne Salinsky said...

Lynda - you're so right about friendships made. Having been returning tourists of 16 years for our annual winter reprieve (and a couple of summer ones) Tim & I have made some wonderful friends that we look forward to seeing with each visit - native islanders, ex-pats and other visitors - and I spotted a few of them in your group photo! Love your blog posts!

Lynda & Lawrie said...

Thanks JoAnne. I know you and Tim have made a lot of friends on Isla. It always amazes me to see the wide variety of people who enjoy the island. Cheers Lynda

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