Friday, June 12, 2015

It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere - a dog's eye view of Isla Part 2

Happy Hour at Nico's @ Isla 33 - photo by Shane
Hola, amigoes! This is Sparky, or you can call me by my Spanish name Chispita if you like. 
It's my turn to write the weekly Notes from Paradise.
For those of you who don't know me, my people tell me that I am a purebred Mexican low-rider. That's pretty cool don't you think?   A purebred Mexican low-rider. I think it sounds kinda sexy: low-rider. But, I really want to tell you about a fun thing that happened to me when we were out for an evening ride in the golf cart.
Happy Hour - 1/2 price appetizers and drink specials
Last Friday we stopped at Isla 33 Resort & Villas complex, on the eastern side of our island. There was a big sign at the entrance Nico's @ Isla 33 Restaurant that said: Happy Hour. It looked like there were a bunch of happy folks there, so we stopped to investigate. There were two guys, Poyo & Payo, playing guitars and singing good tunes. 

Luis - pouring a glass of wine
There were lots of people chatting with friends, and sampling great smelling appetizers. 
There was a really nice man by the name of Luis, who poured a light-coloured liquid into a big glass and handed it to the lady that I hang with. She seemed to like it a lot. I think Luis poured her a second one later on.
My people ordered something called, Sliders. The three Sliders looked like little hamburgers, the perfect size for a small dog like me. I could smell cheddar cheese, bacon, Gouda cheese, caramelized onions, and other great stuff. They kept saying how good the Sliders tasted. Unfortunately I didn't get to try any of them, and it was really hard not to drool all over my people's sandals.
Sparky's Spanish speaking friend, José Cauich
But the coolest thing was this nice man, by the name of José Cauich, came over to me and started speaking my language: Spanish. 
I knew exactly what he was saying. “Acuestate.” Boom! I'm laying down.
“Sientate.”  And now I'm sitting.
Easy, I get this guy.  The man and woman that I have lived with for the last year and a half, have always spoken another weird language, trying to get me to do stuff, but darn, it's hard. 
First I have to figure out what they mean, and then translate that into something I know how to do. I just wish they would learn to speak Spanish to me. It would be so much easier. 
A lot of my friends get adopted by people who don't speak Spanish, and I guess they all have the same problem. 
Gotta learn a new language, plus figure out the new people. It can be a big headache, for a little dog, even a special and sexy dog like me, a purebred Mexican low-rider.
Personally, I am really not clear on this Happy Hour stuff.   I think we were there for more than an hour, and everyone was still happy.
Eat, drink, be happy!
Friday's 5 to 8, at Isla 33 Resort & Villas, on the Caribbean side of Isla Mujeres.
I might see you there next time.
Hasta Luego, mi amigos



Ann said...

Great post & adorable dog!

Gailmarie7 said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!! Is Sparky your next book? Hope so, seems to have lots to say!

Lynda & Lawrie said...

Good morning Ann and Gail - Sparky is turning into a little comedian. We love the fuzzy little brat. He co-stars in the next book with Thomas the Cat. At the moment the title is: The Adventures of Thomas, Sparky & the pirate. Diego is working on the illustrations - but each one take up to ten hours of computer time. Thank you both for reading Sparky's post. Cheers L&L

Life's a Beach! said...

Okay, two words to master. I can do that! Ha! That Sparky makes friends everywhere!

FF said...

Enjoyed your post and humor!! Can't wait to read more...We missed him and you last winter...eventhough I looked for Sparky on the balcony when I would pass by in the morning walk to the cachibol court towards the southern part of the Isla. Our year is flying by again and it will be Isla time again soon. Talking about Isla 33, have you been to the top floor (terrace)? Is worth while!! Until the next time we meet.

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