Friday, October 24, 2014

Live like a Rock Star

Sunset at Casa de los Sueños
Holy moly!” Gail exclaimed, “that is my handwriting. I won! I won!”

Convinced that an email she had received was a scam, perhaps a sales pitch for a time-share hotel, Gail Stewart refused to believe she had won the fabulous prize being offered. To assure Gail that the offer was genuine, the hotel owner sent a second email, containing a photo of a local child holding the winning ticket, that's when she recognized her own distinctive handwriting.

2700 Square Foot Presidential Suite
The prize was a complimentary week in the 2700 square-foot Presidential Suite at Casa de los Sueños on Isla Mujeres, plus a $500.00 credit towards food and beverages. She had purchased the raffle ticket many months before from the hotel owner who was independently raising funds for the Little Yellow School House. As an middle-school educator for thirty-eight years in Westchester County, New York, Gail is an avid supporter of anything to do with the education of children. The LYSH is a local school for children with developmental disabilities; all of their funding comes from various fund-raising events on Isla.

Food for the Sunset Event - cocktail party 
Gail Stewart and Mike Davanzo, or as she calls him “her partner in crime,” recently enjoyed their complimentary week at Casa de los Sueños, enthusiastically telling friends that everyone at the hotel was treating them like they were rock stars. 
They wanted to share their good fortune with island friends and arranged a sunset cocktail party for Wednesday evening. Lucky for us, we were included on the guest list!

Guests starting to arrive for party
According to Gail, the hotel manager was exceptionally helpful – suggesting food items that fit her budget, and organizing all of the party details. One fun twist was the table and chairs were set-up in the shallow end of the suite's private swimming pool. What a great idea! And Mike, an old time rock-and-roller, played lively and familiar tunes for our foot-bouncing enjoyment.

Mike Davanzo singing - Tony Garcia photo
Originally from Queens NY, Mike Davanzo has been playing in rock bands since high school, later playing professionally for more than 40 years in eastern US, and Canada. He is currently featured at Casa de los Sueños on the weekends from 4:30 to 6:30, during Happy Hour. Check with the hotel for his actual dates as sometimes he will be there on a Friday and Sunday, and other times a Thursday or a Saturday. 

Mike's music is another good reason to stop by Casa de los Sueños for a sunset beverage or two, and while you are there, purchase a raffle ticket for the 2015 Grand Prize.

Hotel staff setting up the buffet for the party
The ticket sales are limited to only 2500, and are on sale until March 15 2015. Tickets are $20 USD or 240 pesos, 100% of the sales go directly to the school. 

Now that the word is out there about Gail and Mike's great experience, you'd better get your ticket before they are all snapped up.

As Gail said, “It was a magical week, and everyone who worked there treated us like we had actually paid to stay in the Presidential Suite.” Although with Gail's many years of experience as a President for the Teachers' Union and as a Union Contract Negotiator, I noticed she kept a supervisory eye on every detail of the party. When you are accustomed to being in charge, old habits die hard. Thanks again, Gail and Mike for the invite to share in your good fortune.
Presidential Suite - private pool
Lawrie and I bought our ticket; hopefully it's the winning one! 
Maybe next year we will be living like rock stars for a week in the Presidential Suite of Casa de los Sueños.
Hasta Luego
Lawrie & Lynda

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Animals and Family Members - a humerous collection of stories about critters


Anonymous said...

It was a great party in one of the most beautiful settings on the island. Thank you Gail for sharing your lovely place with us.

Anonymous said...

How can I purchase a ticket?? Sounds like heaven!

Lynda & Lawrie said...

Hi Anon-y-mouse! As far as I know you have to purchase the tickets direct from Casa de Los Suenos on Isla. Maybe you can check with them via their FaceBook page or website. It's a beautiful prize. Cheers L

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