Friday, July 6, 2012

How strange we consider a foreign country "home."

Isla Mujeres garbage truck when it was newer.
At six in the morning I can hear the tired engine and the loud exhaust sounds of the muffler-less municipal garbage truck. 

The crew operating the garbage truck are currently only two houses south of ours.  I have to hustle to get the can out on the street before they pass us by.  The guys wave and holler a greeting as the truck slowly rolls up to our curb. 

One worker tosses the full can high into the air, towards his buddy who is perched atop the myriad of reeking plastic bags and cardboard boxes.  Our can is emptied, and carefully placed back on the street right-side up with lid affixed.  They laugh, joke with each other.  One guy sings bits of a song that could be ribald, off-colour judging by the way it makes the others giggle. 

It's good to be back on Isla.

At the Eiffel Tower in Paris

During May and June we traveled for six weeks through Dieppe, Vimy Ridge, Dunkirk, the Loire Valley, Paris, southern France, Cinque Terre, Tuscany and Venice before returning home via London. 

We mangled several languages, speaking a combination of French, Spanish, and English with the odd word of Italian tossed in the mix for that truly continental sound. 

We ate delicious food, but missed the 'heat' - the spice of Mexican foods.  Apparently our palates have adjusted to Mexican food better than we thought. 

Spaghetti and Mussels in Italy

We drank different wines and beers, enjoying Belgium beers and French wines a bit more than German beers and Italian wines. 

We dealt with crowded underground transit systems, high-speed trains, city buses and commuter boats.   And the crowds. 

Line-ups to see museums.  Line-ups to get on the trains.  Line-ups everywhere! 

Cinque Terre area of Italy

The sights, the sounds, the smells - all different.  New.  Exciting.

Now, sitting on our street-side balcony we watch friends speed past on their motos or golf carts.  They yell hello, welcome back, and wave as they speed past.  Sue Lo, on her daily walk around the airport, stops to chat - recounting her recent adventures in Machu Picchu. 

My sister Joann dashes up the street with her laundry bag in hand, coming for a morning coffee and to do her laundry.  She has misjudged the intensity of the scudding clouds - and is soaked with a warm deluge as she arrives at our house. 

On Isla Mujeres motos are often used as trucks.(M.Watt)
A motorcycle slowly putts past with two adults - the woman clutching onto a little one, so small that one tiny foot with a yellow bootie is all that is visible. 

A young girl, standing in the foot-well of a motorcycle turns to chat with her dad as he drives her somewhere special. 

She is wearing a pink and white polka-dotted dress and a matching bow in her hair.  Her happy smile is wide and loving as she looks at him. 

Parisian woman on motorcycle (K.Lock photo)

The contrast between the Isla motorcyclists and the Armani-suited motorcyclists or the beautiful fashionistas riding bicycles in Paris is startling to say the least. 


Parisian woman on bicycle (K.Lock photo)

In the evening we sit on the east side of the house, wine glass in hand, staring at the turquoise ocean, aware that we missed this most of all. 

The colours.  The sounds.  The smell of the water.

We will always be proudly Canadian.  But, this foreign country, is now home.


Graeme said...


Every Friday morning I read your blog. It always brings a smile to my face and reminds me of why I want to move to paradise for the simple life. Looking forward to the day when we are neighbours and the children of Isla can take a dip in my pool.

Thank you for sharing.


Life's a Beach! said...

Lynda, that photo of the garbage truck with the stuffed toys on the front is priceless. I've enjoyed all your beautiful photos from the European adventure! That trip's on my bucket list!

Lynda & Lawrie said...

Hi Graeme & Linda: my email address is I tried to post a comment to you last week, but for some reason it didn't happen. Cheers Lynda

Hi Becky and Craig: We have around 3500 more European photos that I won't be posting on FaceBook! LOL As you can understand I am a little photo-excessive at times. (Does that sound familar?) Cheers Lynda

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Hi Folks As of a few minutes ago, Facebook suspended my account because I share or repost articles defending my country, Canada, against the...