Saturday, July 22, 2023

Sparky's Epic Adventure Across North America (Burin then on to Arnold's Cove NL)

July 20th: Sparky and I started to explore the Burin Peninsula from Grand Bank to St. Lawrence in Newfoundland. After driving through 35 kilometers of thick fog, we hit a long stretch of road construction and gravel roads so I turned the car around. My Mazda doesn't need to be beaten up any more than absolutely necessary.

Road #221 Burin area of Newfoundland 
July 21st: I poked along through various communities from Marystown, to Lewin's Cove, Back Cove, Burin, Port au Bras, and Beau Bois taking photos and exploring. I didn't want to arrive too early at our next place in Arnold's Cove. (More photos below!)

Ha! It turns out the joke was on me. 

After 80 days of traveling, this was the first f**k up with a reservation.

I had booked one night at a cottage in Arnold's Cove Newfoundland, only to discover the owner had changed from nightly rentals to monthly rentals. Her cottage and every bedroom in the main house were jammed with long-term renters.

When I called her Ontario cell phone, she said she had canceled my reservation months ago. I then told her that had processed the payment on July 18th for my reservation so as far as I knew, I had a valid reservation. It's the only disadvantage of staying in tiny rural communities. They rarely have more than one or two options for accommodations. My worst nightmare was about to come true - sleeping in my car!

Driving through Arnold's Cove in search of another option I happened upon Andrew, the owner/operator of Killick In the Cove His property was full, but he put me in touch with Sarah at The Sunnyside of Life in the nearby community of Sunnyside, a short drive from Arnold's Cove.

Sunnyside B&B in Sunnyside NL

Thankfully, Sarah and Danny had a room. And they were fine with Sparky staying. And Sarah was going to cook dinner for her B&B guests. OMG, she's an angel.

My next blog is about two of their guests getting 'screeched in.' It was hilarious!

Cheers Lynda and The Sparkinator

Memorial at Lewin's Cove for lost fishermen

Bunkies for rent a Burin Eco-tours

Cafe at the end of the road - we were too early

Burin: islands, coves, bays, fjords

Beau Bois, rowboat at anchor

Shells on the beach at Beau Bois NL

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