Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Sparky's Epic Adventure Across North America (Signal Hill & Witless Bay NL)

A few more houses on Jelly Bean Row
July 17th: The afternoon edition.

Yesterday was a busy day. We wandered Jelly Bean Row, in St. John's Newfoundland, early in the morning. I snapped dozens of photographs of the colourful houses while Sparky read and answered numerous pee-mails. 

Signal Hill St. John's NL
Then just before lunch I drove the short distance to Signal Hill which overlooks the narrow entrance to St. John's harbour. Signal Hill has been a key part of Newfoundland's military and communications history.

The Battle of Signal Hill took place on the morning of September 15, 1762 between the French and British.

It was the final battle of the Seven Year’s War in North America, which secured Great Britain as the dominant European power.

The Battery on Signal Hill NL

Then on December 12th 1901, Signal Hill was at the centre of a major international breakthrough.

Using an antenna suspended from a kite, Guglielmo Marconi received the first transatlantic wireless signal, the letter ‘S’ in Morse code.

Marconi’s breakthrough, which was part of an ongoing rivalry with many inventors, led to a new age in communication technology. Marconi was also an entrepreneur, businessman, and founder of The Wireless Telegraph & Signal Company.

The Battery on Signal Hill St. John's NL
History aside, I enjoyed hiking the pathways. My travel partner wasn't thrilled. He was hot and overheated by the time we returned to our car.

The weather has become hot and humid in the last couple of days. I'll have to keep a close eye on my little old man.

Later in the afternoon, I drove to Witless Bay, to see if I could find the famous Atlantic Puffins! Well, they are there, happily inhabiting the Witless Bay Ecological Preserve, a series of small islands only accessible via a licensed boat tour.

That's the one downside to having a pooch with me. I can't easily do tours.

Cheers Lynda and The Sparkinator

Witless Bay Ecological Preserve - out there!

Witless Bay Newfoundland

Too hot for Sparky

View from Signal Hill - Jelly Bean Row

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