Monday, September 23, 2019

A multitasking ninja living in paradise

I'm a multitasking ninja, park ranger, and zookeeper all rolled into one. There are dozens of free-roaming, but demanding critters that inhabit my small bit of Isla Mujeres. They have come to expect food, water, and a secure place to live. I am their humble servant.

Geek the Kitchen Gecko
Geek the Kitchen Gecko, who lives behind the fridge, gives me a loud chuk, chuk, chuk greeting every morning when I turn on the coffee maker. Geek doesn’t require a lot of maintenance, except he likes a shallow dish of clean water.

A few times when he has tried to catch a drip from the kitchen tap it has resulted in a traumatic drop into a slippery sided enclosure with no traction for his Velcro-like feet. Rather than chase a panicky lizard around the sink, or fish him out of Sparky's water bowl I have settled on leaving a saucer of water on the kitchen counter - just for him. 

King of the Beach - Thomas the Cat 
Occasionally I pull the fridge away from the wall and vacuum his house, taking care not to suction him up with the poop. In return for our acceptance of his requirements Geek the Gecko does his best to eliminate mosquitoes and ants. 

Before our famous seventeen-year-old Thomas the Cat passed away in April of 2016 there were a succession of kitchen geckos who had a brief and tension-filled existence. Lawrie and I intensely missed our Tommy, but the surviving household geckos had a disco party in celebration of his passing.

Boo - black with dark orange undertones

Boo, the mini-black-jaguar who started dropping in last fall for food and pats hasn't shown an interest in eating Geek, yet. 

Maybe she knows that Geek has been mentioned in three of my mystery novels. Perhaps she is hoping that if she is kind to him, I will include her in a novel.

Stumpy the Iguana is about 15 years old 

While Geek patrols the interior of the house, the larger lizards inhabit rocky burrows outside. There is a herd of about twenty five iguanas that mooch bits of fruit, veggies, and left-over pet food. 

They are similar to beach dogs, keeping a watchful eye on movements at Casa Rosa, Casa Feliz, our house Casa K’aay Há, Casa Maravilla Caribe, and Punta Piedra. Any indication that someone might be willing to feed them, and the whole group will converge in a scurrying mass hoping to be the lucky one who gets the piece of mango, or papaya. They like to leave the boring broccoli or celery bits for the night-time beach-cleaning crew, the hermit crabs.

Hernando - I think ...
The free-roaming hermit crabs number in the hundreds. They are probably the most labour intensive of our outdoor zoo critters. They require a daily supply of fresh clean water in dishes shallow enough to be accessible to small creatures, an assortment of scraps to dine on, and a steady supply of new shells to move into as they outgrow their current domicile. Hermit crabs don’t create their own shells and must find larger homes on average every six months. Only certain shapes meet their requirements for comfort and accessibility. 

Hermit crab using a Pond's Cold Cream jar
The black and white turbo snail shells are their favourites, but the hermit crabs are in direct competition with tourists who also collect the beautiful and increasingly rare shells. Over the years I have purchased hundreds of substitute shells for the hermit crab shell exchange program at our crab-i-tat. The crabs take one – leave one.  I usually mark the purchased shells with red, orange or bright pink nail polish so that I can identify our frequent visitors.  And of course, since they are regularly swapping shells it is virtually impossible to recognize a particular hermit crab. You can never be certain of who you are chatting with!

Regular visitors 
Then there are the birds that visit every afternoon for a drink of clean water and a feather-cleaning bath. Soon after we moved here in 2008 we swept out the natural indents in the coral rocks just in front of our house. The birds quickly learned to rely on us for fresh water, happily congregating for a few minutes of social time in the late afternoon before heading to their roosting spots for the night. Even the iguanas, crabs, or passing cats and dogs drink from the pools.

Sea turtle nesting attempts - September 2019
And giant sea turtles, did I mention those? Okay, I don't feed them, or provide houses, or even fresh water for the sea turtles, but it is fascinating when the nesting mamas come into the yard and make a heck of a mess. Even Lawrie, who loved a nice smooth beach, wouldn't grumble as he raked over their excavations.

As for my almost famous divo Sparky, he is a pampered, but lovable, brat. His idea of a perfect day starts with a sunrise golf-cart ride and a swim in the ocean. When we return home he likes to be served a small breakfast and then he snoozes under my desk while I work on another novel. 

At lunchtime Sparky enjoys a light snack followed by a mid-day walk on the beach. Late in the afternoon he will start bumping me with his nose to remind me that he would like another cart ride before cocktail time. 

When we return home we move to the upper ocean-side deck to enjoy our evening treats; wine for me, and a small snack for him. 

By seven in the evening he's sound asleep. In the morning he'll wake me up at o'dark-hundred to begin his day all over again. 

Being a ninja zookeeper at this house is tough gig.


Murder and mayhem. Revenge and romance!

 5.0 out of 5 stars

September 3, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
Lynda has once again written a great story of fiction that engages your reading experience with your mind too become real as life. For those of us who love Isla Mujeres and our favourite places on the island reading this series is like being transported to Isla and becoming friends with the characters and being involved in the story. Congratulations to Lynda, my favorite island writer.


Thursday, September 19, 2019

A writer's life - it's all fun and games until ....

“That was fabulous. When’s are you releasing the next one?”   

I recently published the fifth novel in my Isla Mujeres Mystery series, Terror Isla, and had enthusiastic fans asking the next day when #6 was due. 

I took it as a very nice compliment!

I admit, I have posed the same question to many of my favourite authors such as Carmen Amato, Jinx Schwartz, A.E. Howe, Dawn Lee McKenna, and Nick Russell.

I can almost hear their teeth gnashing in the background. “For pity sake, I just published that book. Let me take a breath, get some laundry done, or at least walk my dog.”
“Yeah, yeah. Your break is over, now get back to work.”
You are keeping me awake! Go to sleep, please.
I recently stayed awake until two in the morning reading the latest A.E. Howe, Investigator Larry Macklin novel Spring’s Promise, and then realized his next release wasn’t due until the winter of 2020; that’s more than a year!

Sparky huffed when I groaned aloud, waking him from his beauty sleep.
I was dead tired from reading so late that when I tried to put a travel lid on my morning coffee, I neglected to notice the height of the foamy milk. I shoved on the cap and was promptly sprayed with warm milk and hot coffee. What a great start to the day.
But really, I am in awe of prolific authors who are committed to their craft, producing numerous books with entertaining story lines, quirky characters and page-turning plots. It’s a tough gig to keep inventing new and believable scenarios for a cast of well-known and at times demanding, egotistical characters. Fictional characters have been known to rebel and change the story-line without the author’s consent. It’s happened to me – more than once.
However, these authors know how to craft a great story and don't seem to take any flax from their characters.
Carmen Amato has a winning series featuring Detective Emilia Cruz in Acapulco Mexico, plus three stand-alone thrillers. She recently released book #7 Russian Mojito. Here's the link: Carmen Amato Russian Mojito Detective Emilia Cruz

Survivor of a deadly cartel ambush, Detective Emilia Cruz returns to Acapulco to recover from the trauma. Before she can catch her breath, however, her penniless stepfather is kidnapped.”

Jinx Schwartz a fiery redhead from Texas recently published book #11, Just a Happy Camper, in the Hetta Coffey series. Click on this link: Jinx Schwartz Just a Happy Camper
“Hetta Coffey is a sassy Texan with a snazzy yacht, and she's not afraid to use it. She's cruising Mexico's hauntingly beautiful Sea of Cortez when she gets a job offer, she can't refuse.”

A.E. Howe lives in and writes about Florida. He just launched book #13 in the Investigator Larry Macklin’s series. Here's the link to the new book: A.E.Howe Springs Promises Larry Macklin Mysteries
“Excitement is in the air at the Adams County Sheriff’s Office as the date approaches for investigator Larry Macklin’s wedding to his long-time love, Cara. But fate has other plans and Larry soon finds his personal life taking a backseat to an odd duo of murders.

Howe also has a humorous new series; The Baron Blasko Mysteries about a vampire living in a basement. I haven’t tried these yet, but they are on my list.

Dawn Lee McKenna is another amazingly productive author who by my quick count has somewhere around twenty or more books, featuring characters in three separate series; The Forgotten Coast Suspense, The Still Water Suspense, and most recently The Dismal Florida Suspense series. 
Wow! Just wow. Just one click and it's yours: Dawn Lee McKenna Dismal Florida series

But in this group of my five favourite authors, I think the prolific award has to go to Nick Russell, who has at least twenty-five novels published. He has two very successful series; Big Lake, and John Lee Quarrels. I love ‘em all. His latest Sweet Tea and Jesus was fabulous, and he says he is close to releasing another book. The man is a writing machine. Click here to discover fun reads: Nick Russell John Lee Quarrels series
When a hidden gunman ambushes D.W. Swindle in the driveway of his own home, leaving the Somerton County Sheriff barely clinging to life, every one of his deputies and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement are on the hunt for the attacker. .

I aspire to be as successful as these folks. I am planning to publish book #6 in March of 2020, but Sparky and I are still discussing the story-line. 
He wants his contract renegotiated after what happened to him in book #5 Terror Isla. 
 Here's the link to my newest novel: Isla Mujeres Mystery Terror Isla
To make matters worse friends Betsy Snider and Tony Garcia just gave me this t-shirt. There is a cute photo of my divo dog and the words Sparky's Staff printed on the back. Yep, that's me. The staff.

Cheers from paradise
Sparky and his staff

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Captured! Small dogs and fishing nets don't mix.

It's early in the morning and Sparky and I are ambling along the malecón on the western side of the island. 
We are poking along at Sparky-speed. Sniff. Pee. Sniff. Pee. And then he added a bit of vigorous dirt kicking to clarify the situation. 
"This is my mark." 
I have my camera with me and stop to take a photo of the fishing nets strung across the beach.

Looking for the 'Lady Fish' run
For some reason my eye is always drawn to the boats and nets, probably because they represent a way of life that is slowly disappearing from the island. 

Until tourism started to boom in the 1980’s the traditional way of making a living for islanders was catching fish, or diving for lobsters and conch. 
The open deck panga-style boats and crews head out early in the mornings to pull in the hopefully-heavy nets. 

If they are lucky, four or five fishermen per boat will be needed to haul the catch into the boat.  
Cleaning and repairing nets
In the evening the reverse happens, the fishing crews return to their favourite locations and reset the nets hoping for a successful night.
When the weather turns grumpy the Port Captain closes the port, restricting the size of the boat that can leave the harbor until he gives the all clear.  
The good thing about a port closure - it gives the fishermen time to repair and clean their equipment.  
Weaving a new net
They string the nets between palm trees searching for rips, pulling off bits of seaweed that have been snagged in the weave.  
On very stormy days the mending takes place under covered basketball domes.  
Watching the fishermen repair tears in the netting is very reminiscent of the folks who weave hammocks.  
Holding a wooden bobbin in one hand and a tough nylon line in the other their hands weave in and out, neatly filling in the torn area.  It’s a beautiful skill.
But what happens when a small inquisitive dog investigates the nearly invisible webbing?

Nothing good, let me assure you.

Captured, and not happy!
This morning he followed his nose into the small tunnel created where the mesh was lifted off the ground. Then he tried to get out by walking straight through the tough nylon filaments. 

Thankfully I noticed his struggles and was able to calm him down, long enough for me to crawl in the same small space and untangle him without damaging the netting or hurting my pooch. 

Life is never dull with The Sparkinator.

Sparky - happy to be untangled and free.

Murder and mayhem. Revenge and Romance.
Join Sparky and his human friends in paradise.

Available on Amazon in e-books or paperback.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Where were you when the towers fell?

Twin Towers - internet image 

September 11th 2001 is one of the dates that people will clearly remember where they were, and what they were doing when the world as we knew it changed forever; the day the twin towers in New York City were destroyed.

Lawrie and I were on a four-day get-away from our jobs. We had driven from our home in the Okanagan Valley of BC, Canada, to Yellowstone National Park located where the states of Montana, Idaho and Wyoming meet. It was a quick laughter-filled trip to visit the imaginary Yogi Bear in his home at Jellystone Park.

The day before - enjoying Jellystone Park
Early in the morning of September 11th we checked out of our hotel, and stopped for coffee at a cute little café in Helena Montana, that offered baked goodies and lattes. As we waited for our coffee to be crafted the news suddenly switched to a live report from New York City; a plane had stuck one of the towers. As we stood with our mouths hanging open, we watched a second plane hit the other tower.
A chill of fear rolled up my spine. This was incomprehensible.

“We have to get back across the border. Now!” Lawrie said.

Helena - for coffees
“Yep. Let’s go.” I agreed. We had no idea what was going on, but we were not in our own country and all we could think of was getting safely home before the border was closed. We paid for our coffees and sprinted back to our Pontiac Firebird.

We had a Sirius satellite radio in the car and set it to the public broadcast system, listening intently for more information.

We drove slightly over the speed limit, heading to the border between Orville Washington and Osoyoos BC, Canada. It was the easiest crossing for us as we were familiar with the I-90 route passing through Missoula Montana and Spokane Washington. We didn’t have smartphones or Google Maps in 2001, but we knew it was about a thirteen to fourteen-hour drive to our house.

A short time later we had to pull the car over and listen in disbelief as the broadcaster explained that the towers had collapsed, and that another plane had crashed before hitting the White House. We had no words, we just listened in stunned silence. Lawrie sadly shook his head and re-started the car. He swung onto the road and continued driving towards home.
Lawrie at Jellystone Park on Sept 10th 2001

Fortunately for us, we always shared the driving and could just keep moving north-west only stopping for gas for the car, more coffee, a little food and bathroom breaks for us. Every stop was stressful; people cried and hugged each other, or silently stared at the televisions reporting yet more tragedies and destruction.

We arrived around midnight at the Orville – Osoyoos crossing. We were the only vehicle at the normally busy facility. We asked the customs agents if the border was going to be closed. They said they weren’t sure, but at the moment we were good to cross over.

“Drive safely!” I remember the guy saying as we drove away. That was the first time ever we had ever heard a comment like that from a customs agent. His world had been badly rattled, too.

Yellowstone Park - the bison were oblivious
The winding dark road between Osoyoos and Penticton was more difficult than the previous thirteen hours on the main highway. The dark country road passed by vineyards and orchards with hungry deer haphazardly crossing in front of our vehicle. We had a few near misses, but managed to arrive at our house without an accident.

What the hell had happened to our world?

I remember the eerie silence – worldwide the planes had been grounded. People were off-loaded at odd locations around the world. In Gander Newfoundland, a tiny community of about ten thousand residents on the farthest edge of Canada, helped 6700 passengers from 38 planes. For three days our world was as silent as my childhood memories, before commercial aircraft flights became common and affordable.

I remember the fear, the uncertainty, and the bewilderment. My neighbour Sue was on her own for a few days but she wasn’t answering her phone, so, I paid her an unscheduled visit.

“Sue, Sue. Are you okay?” I yelled as I knocked loudly, then opened her front door.

Both she and her hubby Lloyd were very surprised. I am pretty sure she wished she had never given us a spare key to their house, if you get my drift. My impromptu visit provided a little neighbourly humour in a very stressful time.

Our world was changed forever by this tragedy.

Strength and peace to those who lost their loved ones on this day in 2001.

Sunrise September 11th 2019 Isla Mujeres


Available on Amazon, iTunes, Kobo, and Nook

Isla Mujeres Mystery

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Almost famous! Well, sort of famous ....

Isla Mujeres Mystery series - 

Yipee! We are almost famous. All 5 of our Isla Mujeres Mystery novels are in the top 100 this morning: Terror Isla #31, Temptation Isla #71, Tormenta Isla #77, Trouble Isla #84 and Treasure Isla #89.

Thank you everyone for your purchases, support, and hopefully more reviews! Cheers Lynda and Sparky

Hi, this is Sparky. I just published Terror Isla

Lots of great reading in the Sep. 8 Sunday snapshot of top 100 paid Kindle sales rankings by members of Mexico Writers. Luis Alberto UrreaJinx Schwartz, and Dv Berkom dominate the top 30. Nice moves up include Edie Littlefield SundbyCatherine MarenghiLynda L. LockJohn Scherber, Dr. Linda Sonna, and Penn Wallace. CONGRATS to all!
1. Dreamland – Sam Quinones
2. House of Broken Angels – Luis Alberto Urrea
3. Just A Happy Camper (Hetta Coffey Series, Book 11) – Jinx Schwartz
4. Leine Basso Thrillers Box Set (Books 1-3) – Dv Berkom
5. Serial Date: A Leine Basso Thriller – Dv Berkom
6. A Killing Truth – Dv Berkom
7. Why We Left: An Anthology of American Women Expats (Janet Blaser, Author; with Dianne Hofner SaphiereKerry WatsonJudy Whitaker, and 23 others)
8. The Mission Walker – Edie Littlefield Sundby
9. Baja Get Away – Jinx Schwartz
10. The Devil's Highway: A True Story – Luis Alberto Urrea
11. Glad Farm: A Memoir – Catherine Marenghi
12. Just For The Birds (Hetta Coffey Series, Book 10) – Jinx Schwartz
13. Just Add Water (Hetta Coffey Series, Book 1) – Jinx Schwartz
14. Rain of Gold – Victor Villasenor
15. Just Follow the Money (Hetta Coffey Series, Book 9) – Jinx Schwartz
16. Cargo: A Leine Basso Thriller – DV Berkom
17. Millionaire Expat: How to Build Wealth Living Overseas – Andrew Hallam
18. Just Different Devils (Hetta Coffey Series, Book 7) – Jinx Schwartz
19. Just the Pits (Hetta Coffey Series, Book 5) – Jinx Schwartz
20. Absolution: A Leine Basso Thriller – Dv Berkom
21. The Body Market: A Leine Basso Thriller – Dv Berkom
22. Bad Traffick: A Leine Basso Thriller – Dv Berkom
23. The Last Deception: A Leine Basso Thriller – Dv Berkom
24. Just Pardon My French (Hetta Coffey Series, Book 8) – Jinx Schwartz
25. The Nag Hammadi Library – Gustavo Vazquez
26. Into the Beautiful North – Luis Alberto Urrea
27. Just Needs Killin’ (Hetta Coffey Series, Book 6) – Jinx Schwartz
28. The Hummingbird's Daughter – Luis Alberto Urrea
29. Millionaire Teacher (2nd edition) – Andrew Hallam
30. Just Deserts (Hetta Coffey Series, Book 4) – Jinx Schwartz
31. Terror Isla (Isla Mujeres Mystery Book 5) – Lynda L. Lock
32. Land of Mountains – Jinx Schwartz
33. Cliff Diver (Detective Emilia Cruz Book 1) – Carmen Amato
34. The Santa Muerte: The Origins, History, and Secrets of the Mexican Folk Saint – Gustavo Vazquez
35. THE BOOK DOCTOR (Murder in Mexico Book 10) – John Scherber
36. The Last Great Dance on Earth – Sandra Gulland
37. Rich Notary, Poor Notary (Home Based Business Book I) – George Puckett
38. The Hidden Light of Mexico City – Carmen Amato
39. Russian Mojito (Detective Emilia Cruz Book 7) – Carmen Amato
40. Incorporate & Grow Rich! – Diane Kennedy
41. Walking Tours of Queretaro of Santiago – William J. Conaway
42. Just Add Salt (Hetta Coffey Series, Book 2) – Jinx Schwartz
43. The Lady in Gold – Anne-Marie O'Connor
44. The Kate Jones Thriller Series, Vol. 1 – Dv Berkom
45. The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul – Deborah Rodriguez
46. Mary Magdalene: The Life and Legacy of the Woman Who Witnessed the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus – Gustavo Vazquez
47. Just Add Trouble (Hetta Coffey Series, Book 3) – Jinx Schwartz
48. Troubled Sea – Jinx Schwartz
49. Newjack: Guarding Sing Sing – Ted Conover
50. Mexico City: An Opinionated Guide – Jim Johnston
51. The Everything Craps Strategy Book – Larry Edell
52. The Fair Ophelia – Ted Conover
53. Dark Return: A Leine Basso Thriller – Dv Berkom
54. The Lost Books of the Old Testament – Gustavo Vazquez
55. Millionaire Teacher (1stedition) – Andrew Hallam
56. Our First Lady Pope – Victor Villasenor
57. Tijuana Book of the Dead – Luis Alberto Urrea
58. Mysterious Mexico: A History of Ghosts, Legends, and Perplexing Places across the Mexican States – Gustavo Vazquez
59. El Narco: Inside Mexico’s Criminal Insurgency – Ioan Grillo
60. Vigilante Dead: A Kate Jones Thriller – Dv Berkom
61. ANGEL FACE (Murder in Mexico Book 13) – John Scherber
62. Hetta Coffey Collection Boxed Set Books 1-4 – Jinx Schwartz
63. If Only I Had A Place: The Aspiring Expat's Guide to Renting Luxuriously in Mexico for Less – Kerry Baker
64. The Shadow Queen – Sandra Gulland
65. Pancho Villa: The Life and Legacy of the Famous Mexican Revolutionary- Gustavo Vazquez
66. Homelands: Four Friends, Two Countries, and the Fate of the Great Mexican-American Migration – Alfredo Corchado
67. Mexican Days: Journeys into the Heart of Mexico – Tony Cohan
68. Healthy Living and Traveling in Mexico (Book 1) – Terry L Turrell
69. Kabul Beauty School – Deborah Rodriguez
70. Tales of Passion, Tales of Woe – Sandra Gulland
71. Temptation Isla (Isla Mujeres Mystery Book 4)– Lynda L. Lock
72. First Stop in the New World – David Lida
73. Tortillas & Peanut Butter: True Confessions of an American Mom Turned Mexican Smuggler – Dr. Linda Sonna
74. Crossing Over: A Mexican Family on the Migrant Trail – Rúben Rubén Martínez
75. The Everything Tween Book: A Parent’s Guide to Surviving the Turbulent Pre-Teen Years – Dr. Linda Sonna
76. Gangster Warlords – Ioan Grillo
77. Tormenta Isla: Isla Mujeres Mystery #3 – Lynda L. Lock
78. The Many Lives & Secret Sorrows of Josephine B. – Sandra Gulland
79. The Risotto Guru: Adventures in Eating Italian – Laura Fraser
80. Simon Magus: The Life of the Samaritan Who Converted to Christianity and Confronted Peter the Apostle in the 1st Century – Gustav Vazquez
81. The Art of Ritual: Creating and Performing Ceremonies for Growth and Change – Sydney Metrick
82. The Global Expatriate's Guide to Investing – Andrew Hallam
83. Burro Genius – Victor Villasenor
84. Trouble Isla (Isla Mujeres Mystery Series Book 2) – Lynda L. Lock
85. Baja Legends – Greg Niemann
86. Livin' In Mexico: The Real Story – Brian Burke
87. Queen of America: A Novel – Luis Alberto Urrea
88. The Cartel Strikes Back: Ted Higuera Series Book 5 – Penn Wallace
89. Treasure Isla (Isla Mujeres Mystery Series Book 1) – Lynda L. Lock
90. The Mexican Connection: Ted Higuera Series Book 3 – Penn Wallace
91. The Last Cadillac – Nancy Nau Sullivan
92. Hacker for Hire: Ted Higuera Series Book 2 – Penn Wallace
93. Bikini Baristas: Ted Higuera Series Book 4 – Penn Wallace
94. Cyberwarfare: Ted Higuera Series Book 6 – Penn Wallace
95. Maximiliano de Habsburgo: La Vida del Emperador Europeo de Mexico – Gustavo Vazquez
96. 43 Missing – Carmen Amato
97. The Secret Wife – Janice Campbell-Paul
98. The New Global Student – Maya Frost
99. Unlikely Warrior: A Jewish Soldier in Hitler’s Army – Georg Rauch & Phyllis Porter Rauch
100. Midnight in Mexico: A Reporter’s Journey Through a Country’s Descent into Darkness – Alfredo Corchado

Facebook has suspended my account for defending my country, Canada

Hi Folks As of a few minutes ago, Facebook suspended my account because I share or repost articles defending my country, Canada, against the...