Friday, January 26, 2018

Music and laughter around the island

Lawrie and I hanging out at Rosa Sirena's Bar with friends
The great thing about living on Isla Mujeres is we can choose between dozens of venues to listen to a variety of fabulous music. Back in mid-September 2016 Lawrie and I wrote about the various artists that were at that time preforming on the island, but now we have even more choices.

Ken Wanovich - FB profile pic
After visiting the island regularly since the 1980’s Ken Wanovich and his wife Debbie have recently joined the group of gringo-residents on the island. They tossed aside their life in the USA and arrived in Mexico with a few possessions to start their new pared-down island lifestyle. We and a group of friends went to North Garden Restaurant on Wednesday to listen to Ken’s eclectic mix of classic rock, oldies, country, and tropical ‘ass-in-the-sand’ Zach Brown or Jimmy Buffet tunes. We all knew the words, and ‘helped’ Ken with his singing. It was a fun toe-tapping afternoon that exploded into full-on dancing in the tiny restaurant. Ken plays at a variety of other locations on the island, including Caribbean Brisas on Thursday evenings. Friend him on Facebook for more information.

Henry Esquivel and Jeff at Jax's - photo from FB page 
Then there is our good friend Jeff Current who, along with his five siblings, has been immersed in music all of his life. Jeff plays a wide variety of music that baby boomers like me, love. The money he raises on his “Tips for Testicles Tour” goes to Isla Animals for spaying and neutering cats and dogs. The music will get you on your feet and you will have a bit of fun for a good cause. He plays at Jax’s Bar & Grill on Wednesdays, and Barlito’s @ Marina Paraiso on Fridays. Wednesdays have become a real dilemma for us with both Jeff and Ken playing at different venues. 
Jeff is also on Facebook if you want to check his locations and times.

Rhett Thurman McGahee and Ckokoj Kiik - RS Facebook
And, very recently another good friend Rhett Thurman McGahee, a lead vocalist for a number of bands in the USA, has started performing again. She sings at the brand new, gorgeous Rosa Sirena’s Restaurant and Rooftop Palapa Bar. Rhett performs from 7 to 9 on Thursday evenings. Her stunningly beautiful voice is accompanied by Chokoj Kiik on piano. Rhett and her handsome husband Jeff McGahee are co-owners of the popular Isla Brewing Company located on Jesus Martinez Ross Avenue, across from the Comex paint store.   
Chef Willy Chacon in white - singing chef!

Located just south of the Mango Café, in a neighbourhood that is developing into a foodie’s paradise, the Rosa Sirena’s Restaurant and Rooftop Palapa Bar has an extensive lineup of musical talent, including chef-musician Willy Chacon. 

(I wonder if he sings in the kitchen while he is creating his delicious meals.) Like their Facebook page to stay connected.
We love this time of year. Fabulous music, great vocals and of course yummy food to savour while you enjoy the entertainment. 
Get out there and join in the fun!
Hasta Luego

Lynda & Lawrie

Get your Isla 'fix' with the exciting Isla Mujeres Mystery series!

There's Trouble on Isla, Big Trouble!

Book #2 in the Isla Mujeres Mystery Series

5.0 out of 5 stars
Fast and furious
By CA reviews on September 26, 2017

Yasmin and Jessica are back and the gold they found in Treasure Isla is still haunting them, especially when Carlos, their boss at the Loco Lobo, and Yasmin’s new lover, is kidnapped. No spoilers here, but his captivity and the girls’ efforts to free him, with the help of Carlos’s pals—including local Isla Mujeres fishermen and a Mexico City cop—are the crux of this fast-paced story. Lock has created not only a compelling and authentic setting, but a well-developed ensemble cast. The next Isla mystery can’t come fast enough.

Available on Amazon e-books $2.99 USD
or Paperback $11.99 USD

E-books also available on iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and Smashwords

 Treasure Isla - where it all began!
5.0 out of 5 stars
Captivating and authentic
By CA reviews on September 26, 2017

This was a truly fun in the sun kind of mystery, with an authenticity that was simply captivating. Set on the island called Isla Mujeres, not far from the better-known Mexican resort of Cancun, it follows the misadventures of two girlfriends, who on a drunken binge manage to wander onto the grounds of a cemetery and find a treasure map stuck in a crevice of an old pirate tomb. Jessica, from Canada, and local pal Yasmin both work at a tourist bar/restaurant called the Loco Lobo. Soon their boss Carlos and a handsome attorney named Luis are involved in the girls’ illegal hunt for pirate gold. Toss in a bad dude running from a string of crimes in Key West, and it’s the start of an addictive new mystery series.

Available on Amazon e-books $2.99 USD
or Paperback $11.99 USD

E-books also available on iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and Smashwords

Friday, January 19, 2018

Out sick today - be back soon!

I am still fighting a virus that is going around, back soon.  
Cheers Lynda and Lawrie

Get your Isla 'fix' with the exciting Isla Mujeres Mystery series!

There's Trouble on Isla, Big Trouble!

Book #2 in the Isla Mujeres Mystery Series

5.0 out of 5 stars
Fast and furious
By CA reviews on September 26, 2017

Yasmin and Jessica are back and the gold they found in Treasure Isla is still haunting them, especially when Carlos, their boss at the Loco Lobo, and Yasmin’s new lover, is kidnapped. No spoilers here, but his captivity and the girls’ efforts to free him, with the help of Carlos’s pals—including local Isla Mujeres fishermen and a Mexico City cop—are the crux of this fast-paced story. Lock has created not only a compelling and authentic setting, but a well-developed ensemble cast. The next Isla mystery can’t come fast enough.

Available on Amazon e-books $2.99 USD
or Paperback $11.99 USD

E-books also available on iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and Smashwords

 Treasure Isla - where it all began!
5.0 out of 5 stars
Captivating and authentic
By CA reviews on September 26, 2017

This was a truly fun in the sun kind of mystery, with an authenticity that was simply captivating. Set on the island called Isla Mujeres, not far from the better-known Mexican resort of Cancun, it follows the misadventures of two girlfriends, who on a drunken binge manage to wander onto the grounds of a cemetery and find a treasure map stuck in a crevice of an old pirate tomb. Jessica, from Canada, and local pal Yasmin both work at a tourist bar/restaurant called the Loco Lobo. Soon their boss Carlos and a handsome attorney named Luis are involved in the girls’ illegal hunt for pirate gold. Toss in a bad dude running from a string of crimes in Key West, and it’s the start of an addictive new mystery series.

Available on Amazon e-books $2.99 USD
or Paperback $11.99 USD

E-books also available on iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and Smashwords

Friday, January 12, 2018

Ruben’s Kids – the volunteers with gigantic hearts

Ricky, Lawrie (Mickey) and Ruben.   
Ruben’s Restaurante on Guerrero Avenue in Centro once again rocked with laughter as dozens of volunteers wrangled a herd of excited kids.

January 6th or Three Kings Day or El Día de Reyes is a special time on Isla Mujeres, and all of Mexico. It is the culmination of the twelve days of Christmas and commemorates the three wise men arriving with gifts for the baby Jesus.

The children of Mexico look forward to this holiday as gifts are traditionally exchanged on this date, and not on Christmas day. In Mexico and many other Latin American countries, it is the three wise men, not Santa, who are the bearers of gifts for the children.

Flip-flop Santa John Pasnau and young friend
However, Isla Mujeres has a very special Santa Claus, John Pasnau, who wearing his red velvet suit and flip-flops, arrives on Three Kings Day to distribute gifts to the local kids. Once again Santa had tears of joy in his eyes as he handed the presents to the children. Then the army of volunteers took over and Santa was in charge of handing out big hugs. 

The helpers made sure every boy or girl received a present, a cold drink, hot dogs or tamales and ice cream cones.

Minnie and kids - Lisa Godfrey photo
Lawrie and I have for the past three years put in a short appearance as Mickey and Minnie Mouse, but we only last about forty-five minutes before the heat of the costumes renders us semi-unconscious. 

We traditionally press our family members and friends into service as Mouse-Minders. We can’t see very well through the eye holes and the kids like to rush towards us, wrapping their arms around our legs. Our Mouse-Minders, Chuck and Marcy Watt, Richard and Linda Grierson try to keep us upright and on our feet. If the kids saw Mickey or Minnie fall, and our heads roll down the street, wouldn’t be a good thing. We love participating in the Three Kings Day, even in just a small way.   
Haleigh, Denise, Ruben, Lisa - Lisa's photos

There are so many people involved in this event that was started by Ruben Chavez Martinez just three years ago. I decided this year to include notes from some of the folks who have been involved from the start. Here are a few of their stories.

Gail Stewart, Sandwich Jefa:  This is the third year I ended up in charge of sandwich making. I don’t know how that happened. How does a NY woman with three Masters degrees end up being responsible for making 750 ham and cheese sandwiches on a little island in Mexico?  I have no idea. It was nice to have both our original crew members and several first timers, the Sandwichettes!  (The name if feminine but included men as well as women).

Happy kid - Lisa Godfrey photo
This year, Trina Noakes of CARM and Isla Animals donated all the funds for the sandwich fixings.  Maria Delgado came as my interpreter for the meat and cheese buying, 18 kilos of each.  I was afraid my Spanish wasn’t good enough, and they would throw out the crazy Gringa who thought she could order so much!  But, no biggie!  Ordered, went back 2 hours it!

I had eighty loaves of bread in my front room. Mike dreamt they’d turn into fishes!
The team made all of the sandwiches in 1:15 minutes, with about one cup of mayonnaise to spare. I was amazed, but after three years of this, the organization of it was pretty easy. And everyone was cheerful and fun, and got ‘er done!

Family on 1st vacation to Isla - helping out. LGodfrey pic
Gail also wrote: A word about the teenagers helping hand out the tamales. One of the local churches made the 500 tamales and Ruben’s Kids paid for them. But there were three American kids distributing them, and all speaking fluent Spanish. 

Who were they? Three kids from Des Moines Iowa who majored in Spanish in college. They family was scheduled to vacation in Puerto Rico, but had to change their plans. They ended up on Isla. It was their first time, and they loved it. I asked them if they would come back, in unison they all said, Yes! They were great workers, two girls and a boy. The boy, dishing out all those tamales, had never had one before, but we convinced him to have one. He liked it!  A day later I ran into the “Tamale Family” again and asked their names, Clay, Rachel, Sierra, Austin, and Elijah Tarbell.

Sandwish Jefa Gail on left - Lisa Godfrey photo
And the hot dog station: Marrien Neilson and Steve Ferree were chiefs of that crew, they shopped for dogs, precooked them, brought grill, etc. Jeff Somann and Rick Stern helped on the grill. The assembly line was Mike Davanzo, roll opener and aluminum foil puller, Ginger Somann placed dogs in buns, Katie Knapp Hill wrapped them and handed them out.

Putting the condiments on was hard for the kids with a toy and milk in hand, so Ken Wanovich became condiment king, squeezing ketchup or mustard, and telling kids “sorry, no mayonasa!”  The gringo purchasers didn’t think about mayonnaise on a hot dog! That was funny!  Two great rock ‘n roll singers, Ken Wanovich and Mike Davanzo, spent the day dishing out hot dogs!
The boys loving getting sports equipment

Ruth Lacey, another original volunteer for the event: I just want to recognize a young volunteer - Jordan - who helped sort and bag hundreds of gifts on Friday and also manned the Niños window on Saturday. He’s on vacation and I think returning to British Columbia any day now, yet took time out to give back. He was much closer in age to the gift recipients than the gaggle of jubiladas that he was working with. He possesses a level of maturity much greater than his age, and was a delight to work with. I think he deserves lots of kudos.

Day Grey, food hampers: My daughter sent a photo of a Reverse Advent Calendar to me. (The concept is to place non-perishable food items into a hamper instead of removing a piece of chocolate from the calendar.) I approached Ruben last year with the idea and he said yes, as he wanted to help the families in need as well as handing out the toys. I volunteered a good friend of mine Kathy Nicholson into helping. The idea exploded, in a good way. Each hamper had about thirty to thirty-five items and weighted about twenty-five pounds each! 

Food hampers! Deanne Grey photo
Julie Andrews Goth, Toy Jefa: My job was organizing the toy drive and the toy soldiers, the great group of volunteers who helped sort, pack and hand out the toys. Last year we ran out of gifts and food. This year our goal was to have more than enough, and that is what we did.

All the toys were separated into age groups with similar interests: Infant to two years, three to five years, six to nine year, ten to twelve, and school supplies. Then the toys were counted and recorded to ensure we had enough for Three Kings Day both on Isla and at Casa Hogar the orphanage that Ruben’s Kids helps support. At the last minute the residents of the colonia Guadalapaña said they didn’t have enough toys for their annual party and Ruben was pleased to share.  

Over two thousand toys were donated by the generous visitors who love this island and its beautiful people. My committee of women was so unbelievable and Rob was very understanding as we sorted, assembled and packed up all the toys in our home.

The most touching moment for me was when Santa hugged and presented a big turquoise ball to Pedro, a young man with Down’s Syndrome. Pedro cried, Santa cried, and everyone around them cried too! There are many more stories but this is my favorite.

Terri and Sam, two more great volunteers! Jackie Conlon photo

And from Lawrie and me, thank you to Ruben Chavez Martinez for starting with this amazing event. And special thanks to Ricky Za’Ga, Diego Gelmy Gonzalez Garrido and his family, all of the un-named volunteers, John Pasnau and the board of advisors for Ruben’s Kids for pulling off another fabulous El Día de Reyes

You are all amazing!


Lynda & Lawrie

Making little kids laugh - Jackie's photo
Get your Isla 'fix' with the exciting Isla Mujeres Mystery series!

There's Trouble on Isla, Big Trouble!

Book #2 in the Isla Mujeres Mystery Series

5.0 out of 5 stars
Fast and furious
By CA reviews on September 26, 2017

Yasmin and Jessica are back and the gold they found in Treasure Isla is still haunting them, especially when Carlos, their boss at the Loco Lobo, and Yasmin’s new lover, is kidnapped. No spoilers here, but his captivity and the girls’ efforts to free him, with the help of Carlos’s pals—including local Isla Mujeres fishermen and a Mexico City cop—are the crux of this fast-paced story. Lock has created not only a compelling and authentic setting, but a well-developed ensemble cast. The next Isla mystery can’t come fast enough.

Available on Amazon e-books $2.99 USD
or Paperback $11.99 USD

E-books also available on iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and Smashwords

 Treasure Isla - where it all began!
5.0 out of 5 stars
Captivating and authentic
By CA reviews on September 26, 2017

This was a truly fun in the sun kind of mystery, with an authenticity that was simply captivating. Set on the island called Isla Mujeres, not far from the better-known Mexican resort of Cancun, it follows the misadventures of two girlfriends, who on a drunken binge manage to wander onto the grounds of a cemetery and find a treasure map stuck in a crevice of an old pirate tomb. Jessica, from Canada, and local pal Yasmin both work at a tourist bar/restaurant called the Loco Lobo. Soon their boss Carlos and a handsome attorney named Luis are involved in the girls’ illegal hunt for pirate gold. Toss in a bad dude running from a string of crimes in Key West, and it’s the start of an addictive new mystery series.

Available on Amazon e-books $2.99 USD
or Paperback $11.99 USD

E-books also available on iTunes, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and Smashwords

Friday, January 5, 2018

Celebrating the arrival of the New Year!

Fireworks at midnight on New Year's Eve 
The best place to bring in the new year has to be on Isla Mujeres where everyone, young and old, knows how to welcome in the New Year. The square in front of the Palacio Municipal (City Hall) is typically jammed with thousands of celebrants ready to party until dawn.

The fun starts around 11 p.m. ish, this is Mexico don’t forget so everything starts close-ish to the advertised time. 

Food and drinks for party-goers
Drink and food stalls are the first to open, and then the warm-up band blasts rock tunes or salsa over the crowd until the fireworks display at midnight.

Amid laughter and shouts of Happy New Year in several languages, people hug, kiss, rattle, or honk their noise makers while dodging the burning embers raining down on the square from the overhead display of pyrotechnics. It’s a fantastically fun evening.

Fireworks at midnight NYE Isla Mujeres
Next, the dozen-or-so headline entertainers crank up their amplifiers and rock the downtown area with horns, guitars, percussion, singers, and dancers. You can dance your socks off until after sunrise. 

Sleep is not on the program tonight, for anyone within hearing distance of the celebrations. Entire families spend the night dancing, eating, and drinking. Even the youngest ones outlasted Lawrie and me.

Lawrie, Canadian New Year's Eve
Over the past thirty-something years Lawrie and I have celebrated this special time in a variety of ways, from boisterous dinners at our home in Canada, to just the two of us sharing a bottle of good champagne, or a dinner party on Isla with rooftop drinks to watch the fireworks in Centro. 

And, we have participated in an odd northern custom of swimming in near-freezing ocean water early on New Year’s Day. 

Isla Mujeres Navy helping with crowd control

Here on Isla Mujeres, there is a much warmer, interesting custom that started a long time ago, perhaps when the footpath to the southern end of the island became an actual road. 

Hundreds of people drive to Punta Sur to welcome the first light, to greet the dawn of the brand new year. Punta Sur is the most easterly part of Mexico and receives the first rays of sunlight.

It’s an intriguing sight to see hundreds of cars, trucks, motos, and golf carts arrive with an assortment of people still dressed in their party finery. Sleepy kids snoozing in the back of pickup trucks are carried by their parents to the edge of the starfish-shaped plaza. Women teetering on stiletto heels clutch bottles of champagne. (Trouble Isla book #2 of my Isla Mujeres Mystery series)
First Light - January 1st, Isla Mujeres

Most people look spent, tired out, and ready for bed but it’s the perfect end to a perfect party. Others arrive bright-eyed and bushy-tailed having slept soundly, far from the crazy celebrations in Centro. 

Everyone cheers the arrival of the new dawn then finally makes their way home to sleep for a few hours before the normal sounds of island life wake them up again.  

Max, Lawrie, Sparky NYE 
As we were out walking our two dogs on the morning of January 1st we could still hear the music pounding from over a mile away, then at 7:30 a.m. it stopped. 

Yes, that’s right 7:30 in the morning the band stopped and the party officially ended.

Start making your plans now if you want to start the next year on Isla Mujeres, a Pueblo Magico, a magical town. You should book your accommodations and dinner at the popular restaurants well in advance. 

We know it’s hard for you spur-of-the-moment folks, but it is really worth the effort to plan ahead.

This is the time of year to enjoy being alive, to create fantastic memories, and to look forward to another good year.

Wishing you and your families a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year
Get your Isla 'fix' with the exciting Isla Mujeres Mystery series!

There's Trouble on Isla, Big Trouble!

Book #2 in the Isla Mujeres Mystery Series

5.0 out of 5 stars
Fast and furious
By CA reviews on September 26, 2017

Yasmin and Jessica are back and the gold they found in Treasure Isla is still haunting them, especially when Carlos, their boss at the Loco Lobo, and Yasmin’s new lover, is kidnapped. No spoilers here, but his captivity and the girls’ efforts to free him, with the help of Carlos’s pals—including local Isla Mujeres fishermen and a Mexico City cop—are the crux of this fast-paced story. Lock has created not only a compelling and authentic setting, but a well-developed ensemble cast. The next Isla mystery can’t come fast enough.

 Treasure Isla - where it all began!
5.0 out of 5 stars
Captivating and authentic
By CA reviews on September 26, 2017

This was a truly fun in the sun kind of mystery, with an authenticity that was simply captivating. Set on the island called Isla Mujeres, not far from the better-known Mexican resort of Cancun, it follows the misadventures of two girlfriends, who on a drunken binge manage to wander onto the grounds of a cemetery and find a treasure map stuck in a crevice of an old pirate tomb. Jessica, from Canada, and local pal Yasmin both work at a tourist bar/restaurant called the Loco Lobo. Soon their boss Carlos and a handsome attorney named Luis are involved in the girls’ illegal hunt for pirate gold. Toss in a bad dude running from a string of crimes in Key West, and it’s the start of an addictive new mystery series.

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