Friday, August 5, 2016

Spectacular! Round two of the Pueblo Magico Murals

Painted by Jose Luis Torres Sanchez
Jewel-toned turtles and colourful sailfish.  Opulent frogs and silly iguanas.  

Mythical creatures from indigenous legends.  People riding pelicans.  

Fish transporting houses.  And a beautiful woman, with half a head.  It’s a wild collection of images.

Alex Lechuga - hiding from the hot afternoon sun

Faces hidden behind balaclavas, and heads covered by an assortment of sombreros and hats the artists worked feverishly in the scorching afternoon sun.   

Using spray bombs, brushes, rags and paints they created beautiful outdoor masterpieces for everyone to enjoy.

Artist - Chugs
This last week the western perimeter wall of the airport was given a stunning makeover by painters sponsored by the municipality of Isla Mujeres in conjunction with World Art Destinations from Cancun; artists such as Alex Lechuga originally from Puebla and now living in Cancun.  

Or Liz Rashell co-founder of World Art Destinations based in Cancun and co-producer of Seawalls for Oceans.   

Then there is Capitan Klavis (Geovani Klavis Delgado), Chugs (Juan Chuger Herrera), and Dherzu Uzala also based in the Playa del Carmen – Cancun area.
Joint effort by several artists - Welcome to Isla 
And Jose Luis Torres Sanchez who is from Guadalajara on the western side of Mexico.

These are the same artists that created the welcoming mural on the northern end of our island airport, across from the car ferry.  

It’s a delightful collage of whale sharks, manta rays, a lighthouse, and the goddess Ixchel.

Painted by Capitan Klavis

We have photographs, dozens of photographs of the artists, of them working, and of the final paintings, but this week’s blog article is a little light on words.  

We chatted a bit in the hot afternoon sun, then emailed, and ‘friended’ on Facebook, but in the end didn’t gather much information.  

Jose Luis Torres Sanchez - the turtles and sailfish mural
The exception being Jose Luis or Frase as he signs his works; he was willing to answer my Goggle Spanglish inquiries.

Jose Luis is originally from Guadalajara in the state of Jalisco, Mexico.  

He has been painting murals for over twenty years in many locations including Mexico City, Oaxaca, San Luis Potosi, Chiapas, Durango, Leon, Puebla, Morelia, Acapulco, Playa del Carmen, Cozumel, Tulum and Cancún to name just a few.  Jose Luis, has also participated in events in Paris France and Fortaleza Brazil. 

Painted by Dherzu Uzala
A graphic designer, a sculptor, and a creator of clothing Jose Luis is a multi-talented artist who focuses on representing the indigenous roots of the Wixarika, Maya, Otomi and Aztec.  

He has worked on projects to prevent violence and crime with young people from marginalized neighborhoods of the city of Guadalajara Jalisco, Durango, Queretaro, Acapulco and San Luis Potosi.  Among his other talents he has also been a coordinator of urban art and graffiti for organizations such as Social HABITAT.  He now collaborates with other members of the Mexican HONGHIKURI Urban art project, creating murals in public spaces.  

Liz Rashell - Co-founder of World Art Destination
For those lucky folks who have experienced the delightful hospitality of Steve Broin at the Casa Sirena Hotelito, you will see a commissioned work by Jose Luis, a voluptuous new mermaid for the top floor lounge. 

Have a look at the posting on Youtube at Casa Sirena Mural 6 hours of painting in 2 minutes:


Hasta Pronto!

Lynda & Lawrie

Capitan Klavis - silly iguanas

Alex Lechuga 


  1. OMG...I need to get mu butt back there soon. I've been 2x and it's always hard to leave.

  2. The new murals are very beautiful .... I am sure you will enjoy seeing them on your next trip to paradise. Cheers Lynda

  3. Wow! so colorful and awesome. Can't wait to get back home to Isla.

  4. The murals are very beautiful. Cheers Lynda
