Friday, July 15, 2016

Because everyone knows me ….

Welcome to paradise!

So many of the island business folks that we deal with on a regular basis don’t have signs for their establishments, and when we ask why not, the answer is usually something like, “Because everyone knows me,” followed by a shoulder shrug.  Well that works, at least for locals – but what about the newcomers?

Here are a few of our favourite businesses that we have found over the years – without the aid of signage.

Francisco Avalos -  replacing leather in our Mini Cooper
The first guy we found was Francisco Avalos of Tapiceria Caribe Tropic according to the business card that he gave us in 2007, but if you go looking for his sign: nada!  Nothing.  

Francisco does upholstery of every kind imaginable.  New cushions for sofas, new tops for boats, seats and tops for golf carts, totally new brightly coloured canvas for the big tour boats like Dancer and new leather upholstery for our Mini Cooper seats.  

Sofa and throw cushions - Francisco Avalos
When asked nicely Francisco will even do girlie stuff like create tailored decorator cushions, although he prefers larger jobs.  Francisco is located on Avenida Martinez Ross, south of Dental Splash, just before Delfino’s Veterinary Clinic on the same side of the road.   His building is orange, as are some of his vintage dune buggies, and his favourite pair of shorts.  We think he likes the colour.  Francisco opens after ten-thirty in the morning and works late into the cooler part of the evening.  

Santiago Aguilar's appliance repairs - or get your teeth fixed!
Then of course because we live in a hot, humid and salty climate we occasionally require the use of a mini-split air conditioner to help us sleep.  Santiago Aguilar Junior and Santiago Aguilar Senior, became our next BFF.  (Best Friends Forever).  Air conditioners have the nasty habit of expiring on the hottest night of the year, so having a reliable repair person on your phone contact list is extremely important.  It’s right up there with a sufficient stock of wine to last the week.  

The Santiagos Sr. and Jr., will also repair washers, dryers, and other assorted appliances.  Santiago’s place is also unmarked and located further south on Avenida Martinez Ross.  Recently two dentists have rented the back portion of the property and their business is well signed: Dra Martha Navarro, and Dra M.T.Gomez.  If you can find that sign you have located Santiago’s.  But they are most likely out on a call.  Here is Santiago Senior’s cell number:  998-895-3028.  We usually text in Goggle Spanglish as our verbal Spanish is still a bit awkward.  Okay, really awkward.

Canela greeting Lawrie at Orlando's Golf Cart Repairs
Also on the same street, on the same side is Orlando who does golf cart repairs for us.  

Again, no sign.  He is just a few doors north of Santiago’s property.  Currently the white-painted metal gate is about the only indication of where he is located, oh, and the collection of golf carts in his driveway or on the street.  

Canela (Cinnamon) the big watch dog will loudly announce your arrival, but once the gates are open she is very friendly.  998-259-8612 is Orlando’s cell number, and he is fluent in English.

Pepe - Aluminum, windows and glass
A little further on the same street, on the same side – do you see a pattern emerging here? – is our favourite window and glass guy, Pepe, otherwise known as Jose Alfonso Martinez Angeles.  He is the owner of Alucripepe Aluminios y Cristales.  

Both he and his son Pepe Jr., are delightful to deal with.  Pleasant, fast working, and fluent in English which makes explaining intricate details a lot easier. 

Pepe's guys delivering our refrigerator 2015
They also operate a sideline of picking up heavy items in Cancun and transporting them to Isla, or moving furniture, or removing old appliances.  

You can find them across the street from the elementary school past Isla Brewing, and Comex the paint store. Pepe Sr.’s cell number is 998-143-8825

And then there are the metal fabricators who are located on a corner lot nearer to the Super X-Press in the La Gloria neighbourhood.  These folks can create or fix pretty much anything metal.  Be darned if we can remember their names.  (His nick-name is Pavon.) And we don’t have their cell number either.  Usually we just drive over with the piece or part that needs to be repaired or replaced and the next day drive back to pick it up. 

Metal fabricators in La Gloria colonia - Pavon.
Apparently the no-sign thing does work for business owners, however new islanders will have to do a bit of detective work to find the right person to solve a particular problem. 

Ask any islander, and we will probably all have different answers for the people we prefer. 

Hasta Luego

Lynda & Lawrie


  1. Nice of you to post! I was searching for live music info on Isla and linked from Mapchick. Will check back

  2. Thank you Nigel! Hope you drop in on our blog site more often. Live music at a number of restaurants and bars: Fenix, El Patio House of Music, Barlito's, Miguel's Moonlight and The Joint are a few that come to mind. Cheers Lynda & Lawrie
