Friday, April 3, 2015

A dog's eye view of Isla

Sparky tells his story about Isla
Hi! My name is Sparky, and I thought you might be interested in a tour of Isla, from my point of view. 
Oh sure, my humans are always taking pretty pictures of what they see, but I think it's time to show you my island, Isla Mujeres, or as I call it: La Isla de los Perros.

Sparky and his driver
I'll start my introducing you to some of my friends, and then we'll explore my favourite places in my golf cart. Yup! It's my golf cart. Well, that's what I tell my friends. 
Okay, maybe it's not really my golf cart. We get to use it when it when other family members don't need it, and besides, dogs can't own vehicles. I won't tell if you don't tell. It will be our little secret. Okay? Great!

Bowser, Sombra & Sparky on the beach near our house
My closest friend is my housemate Thomas the Cat.  
He's pretty famous. He has his own book written about him, but I know there is a second book being created that will star both Thomas and me. 
That's right! I'm going to be famous too, soon, very soon.  I think it is going to be called: The Adventures of Thomas, Sparky and the Pirate. Pretty cool, don't you think?  My other two good friends are Sombra and Bowser.  They both live quite close to my house.  We have lots of fun playing together.
Sparky and his girlfriend Lola at Playa Norte
Since I adopted my people last year I have had lots of fun experiences. Every day I swim in the ocean. We used to go early in the morning to Playa Norte so that I could have a swim without worrying about big waves slapping me in the face. I don't like getting salt water in my eyes. And sometimes at the beach I would meet other dogs who were walking with their humans. We would have a bit of fun playing in the water before we went off in separate directions. However, the rules have changed. (I don't like rules. They ruin a dog's fun.)
Running in mud is almost as much fun as swimming
All the signs posted at Playa Norte have that weird symbol – a circle with a red slash through a picture of a dog. Apparently it means no dogs allowed. But the words underneath say that if my people keeps me on a leash, and picks up my – um, poop, I can go to the beach. But whenever we try to go for a swim we meet up with all sorts of cranky folks who don't want me there – so we have found other places I can play.

Cliffs at Punta Sur
My second favourite thing to do is run. My humans sometimes drive me in my golf cart to Punta Sur – at the southern end of the island. There is a trail that follows the tops of the cliffs, where I can run as fast as I want and I won't bother anyone. The only thing is I have to remember not to get too close to the edge of the cliffs, because somethings things break off and slide a long, long way down to the deep water. I wouldn't want that to happen to me. I can swim, but the waves at Punta Sur are really big, and sometimes there are huge sea turtles or dolphins swimming there. Scary!
 Carnitas Zinapecuaro - tasty pork, and fresh juice
When my people take me out in the golf cart I like to hang my nose out over the edge and let my Spaniel-type ears flap in the cool breeze. It's a great way to see and smell all the interesting sights on the island. 
Just up the street from our house is one of my favourite stops. It's the place where they sell cooked pork. My human sometimes stops on our way home and buys a small package of the delicious meat. If I am really really good, she will give me a little piece as a treat. I can also woof at other dogs as we pass, letting them know that I'm out in my golf cart. Look at me! Some of the dogs get jealous, and chase us, barking loudly. I don't let it bother me. I just look at them running along, tongues hanging out and think, lucky, lucky me.
Lucky, lucky me!
Besides the golf cart, did I mention that we owned a boat? Well, we shared it with other people but I think it really was my boat. Boats are as much fun as golf carts, you get to see different parts of the island, and you can go swimming anywhere you want. No rules! 
One day we traveled around the island. We saw Playa Norte, Playa Media Luna the turtle release beach, our house, Punta Sur, Garrafon Reef Park, Playa Indio, and then motored back to the marina in Makax Lagoon. 
We got quite wet when the waves splashed us, but it sure was fun.

Sunset cocktails at Ballyhoo
Another place I like to visit is the corral on the south-west side of the island – Isla Mujeres Horseback Riding. There are a bunch of pretty horses that people pay to ride, which, I guess, is interesting if you are a human. 
I am more interested in the chickens. I want to chase them, but I'm not allowed. It's those darn rules again: No chasing chickens! Pfft!

Chillin' at the Soggy Peso Bar & Grill

Another fun activity I enjoy is going out to lunch, or sunset cocktails with my humans. So far I have visited Barlito's @ Marina Paraiso Hotel, Ballyhoo Restaurant, and the Soggy Peso Bar & Grill. 
As long as I am on my leash, well-behaved, and my human picks up my – um, you know, deposits, I am welcome. Some times on hot days I sit right in front of the big fan at the Soggy Peso, and cool down while my people are chilling with a cold beverage.

Roof-top alarm system
Since I have mostly told you about different places on my island, I think I should also mention some of the jobs that we dogs have. We are all watch-dogs, and alarm systems, giving our humans a warning bark if someone comes near the house. 
One really lucky guy, a black and brown German Shepard, works for the Navy. He is in charge of sniffing out drugs that people might try to sneak onto our little island in paradise. He's a very serious guy, and doesn't like to have pictures taken of his face, so I can't show you how good-looking he is. You will just have to take my word for it. 
Camera shy Navy drug dog
There are also two pretty Golden Labradors who guard the Navy airport runway and tower. 
I'm a bit jealous of their important jobs, but then they don't get to ride around in a golf cart so I think I have the better deal.
Anyway, that's my view of Isla Mujeres. If you see me out and about on the island, stop and say hello. I'm very friendly.

Woof, woof, oooooo!  See ya soon!
Sparky (aka The Sparkinator!)

Sparkinator sharing his boat with his lucky humans

You can find us on the web at:
Humerous stories about critters we have known:


  1. Thank Ann. Sparky turned out to be a pretty good writer. He may do another guest column sometime in the future. Cheers Lynda

  2. Hi Sparky! Thanks for the primer on all your favorite activities! See you soon! (We also like that trail at Punta Sur!)

  3. Hi Becky. See you soon. Looking forward to our walks. Woof woof. Sparky

  4. I always enjoy your posts and pictures. Sparky has a good life! Thanks for sharing! Nan Lichty

  5. Hi John & Nan - yes he does, although at times he can be very dramatic - with the sad eyes and downcast looks - if he has to stay at home instead of coming with us. Hope you are both well and happy. Cheers L&L

  6. Hi Sparky!
    It was so nice to meet you during our visit to your home last week, and you sure were quick to let me know that you really enjoy a good scratch behind your ears! Very unusual for an Isla must be special!
    Please tell your humans that they are also very special, and we look forward to visiting your Isla home again next year

    Mark and Sharren

  7. Woof, woof, aroouu, woof! Thank you! Cheers Sparky & Thomas the Cat
