Friday, May 31, 2013

Spreading her wings – a Quinceaños

Mindy entering the church for a mass to give thanks
As the sun slid below the horizon a gorgeous young woman confidently made her way down the flower-draped church aisle.  

Leading her procession were a dozen young altar boys wearing sparkling white surplices over red vestments, hands clasped in prayer, trying hard to suppress their natural exuberance. 

Padre Sanchez Alonzo, in his gleaming white surplice with intricate embroidery, strode solemnly behind the altar boys.

Altar boys leading the procession 
Her beaming parents followed behind, walking just in front of the young men who formed her traditional court of honor.  The year-long planning, the rehearsals, and the attention to details were about to be put into action.  

Mindy Lizeth Poot Hau’s Quinceañera celebrations commenced with a mass, giving thanks that the young woman and the family were to be able to enjoy this occasion together.

Traditionally, the Quinceaños is the first time a young lady could wear makeup, high heels, and dance in public.  This is no longer the case for most young ladies. 

Tony, Mindy and Fredy Jr.
However, it is still a very special time for families to celebrate with their daughters, family, the daughter’s godparents, and friends. This celebration was an amazing production from start to finish. 

Shortly after ten in the evening the majority of the guests had arrived for the second part of the Quinceaños held at the Taxi Syndicate’s event hall. Mindy was formally escorted in by her two beaming brothers, Tony and Fredy Jr.  They proudly circled the dance floor giving everyone a chance to see their beautiful sister and then stood with family, including Mindy’s married sister Jeanie Gissell, while the toasts and speeches were made.  

The traditional first waltz with her papa was sweetly emotional.  You could see that Fredy was struggling a bit with the concept of his baby girl being all grown up.

First dance is with papa
Then Mindy and her six chambelans performed several complex dance routines.  Each dance entailed a costume change – from a gorgeous blue and silver ball gown, to short ruffled dress, to form fitting leotard, and back to the ball gown.  At midnight a full sit-down dinner was served.  

Around one o’clock in the morning the dancing switched to a nightclub atmosphere, with pounding music, flashing lights, roving boom camera, and party-favours of flashing trinkets for everyone to wear.   

Two entertainers, perched precariously on stilts, hovered over the crowd, encouraging everyone to join the fun.

Mindy and her escorts -  dance routines

By two o’clock on Sunday morning we, and most of our friends, had slunk away yawning and sleepy-eyed.  

We never seem to last long enough to share in the many yummy cakes that are traditionally baked for a Quinceaños.

Dancing on stilts 

The hardier, experienced guests partied on until five in the morning, dancing, dancing, and dancing. 

When the last celebrant had departed from the festivities Fredy, Ana and family members had the arduous task of removing decorations, and cleaning up the hall.  It had been rented for another event later that same day.   

I can’t imagine how tired they must have been when they returned home, close to noon on Sunday. 

Ana, Mindy and Fredy 
We can't stay awake for the cake!

In a recent email a friend said: “Laugh, dance, drink, and dance some more.  And please give our best wishes to the Poot family.

We did!  All of it!

Our best wishes to Mindy for her next adventure.  

And thank you so much to the Poot Family for including us in their family celebration.

Hasta Luego          

Lynda and Lawrie


  1. Since I live for cake, I might have brought a pillow and had someone wake me up! : ) Much happiness to the Poot family and beautiful Mindy!

  2. Good one Becky! The next time we get invited to a Quinceanera I am going to stay awake long enough for cake!

  3. We didn't make it for the cake either. Like Linda and Lawrie, we watched her pose with her cake but left just afterward. Becky, you wouldn't have done any sleeping though. We all sat in the back of the room and even the tablecloth was shaking from the bass!
