Friday, April 19, 2013

It must be ratings week!

My favourite - the "crayon house"
Dang!  We’re good! 
Two weeks ago Isla Mujeres was ranked in the top ten islands of the world.  This week an article rating the top twenty-four locations to see colourfully painted houses ranked Isla as number seventeen.  

Fabulous creations like the “crayon house” are eye-candy for anyone toting a camera.   Deliciously covered in bright colours, designs, and scenery this multi-coloured house sports a meticulous paintjob.  Amazing artistry.  Think of the hours of detailed work required to create the effect.  The muscles of my painting-hand are cramping in sympathy

Hemmingway's Bar - for wedding photos
The Behr Paint Company judged Isla Mujeres against locations like Cinque Terre Italy, Cape Town South Africa, Barranco in Lima Peru, and a host of other gorgeous cities.  

Only one Canadian city, St. John’s in Newfoundland made the list.  Granted the paint company is hoping to sell more of its product, but the article still brings positive recognition to this sleepy little island.

Beautiful - Casa Zuzy
Most island visitors have photos, or at least have seen photos, of the very visible centro locations that have been photographed time and time again.  Places like the French Bistro, Mañanas Coffee House, Hemmingway’s Bar, Barlito’s Bakery, and Orsario’s Hardware Store to name a few.  

But if you wander around the diverse neighbourhoods there are many more examples of great colour combinations; orange and green, pink and blue, yellow and orange, pink and purple, and multi-coloured.   Another favourite of mine is the magenta-trimmed turquoise house, slathered with polka dots in hues of green, red and blue.  This one is located near the Salinas Grande, close to where the road changes from a tope-riddled, (speed bumps) congested street into the double-width road.

My second favourite - the polka-dot house
The colour extends into every part of island life.  Even the tombs in the two island cemeteries are painted pink, blue, purple, and mango-yellow.  Our Canadian cemeteries, especially the newer ones, resemble parks or golf courses with granite headstones flat to the ground, so that the grounds keepers can trim the lush grass with riding lawnmowers.  Somber tones of grey, brown, and black arrear to be the only acceptable hues in northern graveyards.  The local custom of painting tombs with palette of cheerful colours is, in my view, fitting for this bright and vibrant culture.

Beautifully cared for tombs
Perhaps the Municipality of Isla Mujeres should encourage more owners to paint their houses, and businesses, with wild and interesting combinations.  

Maybe the municipality could feature a different, well-painted building every month, and offer a small cash prize for the winner.  Over time the various neighbourhoods could become a draw for photographic buffs. 

Love this entrance!

There I go day-dreaming again.  

In the meantime, get your cameras out, and explore the various neighbourhoods.  

You’ll find lots of interesting photo opportunities – because, after all we are number seventeen in The 24 Most Colourful Cities in the World. 

Hasta Luego          
Lynda and Lawrie



  1. Dear L & L,
    My name is Diane Woodward and I painted the Crayon House. I'm a canadian painter and I was on the island for a month in 2004. I was staying in that house, and I did not speak the language and I'm vegan(hard to eat out there) so I painted the house. You should see my house. I've been working on it for 14 years. xo Diane

  2. Fabulous job! You'll have to come back when it is time for a fresh coat of paint. Friend me on FaceBook if you use it - and send me a photo of your own house. I would love to see it. Cheers Lynda
