Friday, November 30, 2012

Guacamaya – Guadalajara – Guacamole, I get ‘em confused

We bought a guacamaya in Guadalajara and he likes guacamole! 

On a recent shopping trip to Guadalajara Lawrie spotted a five-foot-tall fiberglass and resin rendition of a parrot, which as it turns out was actually a macaw, or as it is known in Mexico a guacamaya.  He needed it!  It could add a bit of colour to our outside seating area on the patio.  A real macaw or guacamaya is noisy, demanding, and messy.  It can be expected to live up to seventy-five years even in captivity.  That is a bit beyond what we can realistically look forward to at this point in our lives, so a resin bird will be just fine.  

(Everyone can breathe a sigh of relief now.  We won’t be bequeathing an ornery screeching bird to anyone.)

Just for laughs we decided to document Guac’s journey, similar to the people who take garden gnomes along on vacation and then post the inane vacations photos on the web.  We have way too much time on our hands!  During the three nights that we were in Guadalajara we had to move three times.  Most of the hotels were filled to capacity with a variety of conventions, book fairs, and events.  Guacamaya was treated to a night at the Hotel Morelos in the historic centre of town, a night at the Hilton across from the convention centre, and a final night at the Intercontinental Hotel across from the Plaza del Sol shopping area.  Every morning we stuffed him head first into another taxi to make the move to the next hotel.  Are we having fun yet?

To get Guac back to Isla it necessitated a ride on an airplane.  We arrived at the airport, lined up for the check-in, and had a lot of giggles with the security people as they first of all decided whether or not Guac should be patted down, or if he even could be shipped.  

The decision was to get him doubled wrapped by the baggage-wrapping guys, and the airline would ship him.  It took two guys twenty minutes to wrap, and re-wrap this awkward piece.  Around, and around, up and down, and start over again.  

Finally, done.  Then we waited patiently at the windows of the airport, keeping an eye out for Guac.  There he is!  On the baggage cart.  Okay we can board the plane now.  

(What?  Wouldn’t you abandon your flight plans if your macaw didn’t make the flight?)

In Cancun Guac arrived just fine, sliding off the baggage carousel in good condition.  

Next was the ADO bus ride into Cancun, with Guac stuffed under the bus in the baggage compartment, then another taxi ride from the bus depot to the UltraMar boats.  

At the ferry docks we were greeted by family members Richard, Linda, Richard and Karen – who coincidentally were waiting for the arrival of four more Canadian friends.  They gave us a ride home, and then returned to meet the next boat with Chuck and Marcy Watt, Robyn and Al Crump plus stacks of luggage, and a very relieved dog named Sombra. 

By the time we got the bird, Guac, to our house he had been in five taxis, one airplane, a bus, and a boat, plus a car.  

Next time you are passing our house, come and say hi to the most expensive bird in the world; our guacamaya named Guac that we bought in Guadalajara.


  1. wow..thazza BIG bird! We found a good home for our big white Cockatoo years ago. All our former neighbors near & far knew us. "The People With The Parrot". You are happier than you know that we left her behind ;). Beautiful bird there (do ya know what REAL scarlet macaws cost ~10k nob? Seem like a lil better deal now?). And this one won't remove the keys from your computer, turn your shutters into toothpicks, or scream at your guests! nice bird, ya'll!! Vecino Stamp of Approval ;)

  2. Oh good. The Vecino/a Stamp of Approval is muy importante!
