Friday, May 4, 2012

A perfect week on a perfect little island starts, and ends, with blue

Using a small pump to help install dock pylons
We started out the new week - which in our world is Friday to Friday - looking for things to write about for the next Friday's email.  We stopped in at the Soggy Peso Bar & Grill for their yummy crispy beef tacos and a cool beverage or two.  Freddy Medina's father-in-law, and a crew of young guys were just starting the construction of Mal and Sal Richard's new dock at the Soggy Peso.

Standing in the gorgeous blue water under a sparkling-blue sky the guys were using a small pump mounted in a rowboat, to force water into the sand around each new pylon allowing the heavy wooden pole to sink until it hits a solid coral or rock base.

Decking next!

It's an ingenious method to install the upright supports - pylons - for the dock.  In Canada we were accustomed to heavy machinery pounding the wooden or steel pylons into the ground, jarring and jiggling the bones in your body with each forceful thump.  Their method of using water pressure to dig through sand is quiet, quick, and unobtrusive.

A few days later we checked back with the progress on the docks at the Soggy Peso.  Being Tuesday the food item for the day was fajitas, chicken, or beef, or a combination of both with a cool beverage or two - of course. 

The crew by now had installed the pylons, the crossbeams, and were about to start laying the planking.  More blues - blue water, blue lettering on the big boat anchored in the bay, and blue shirts on the guys. My eye is naturally drawn to the colour blue.
The turtles are out there .... having fun!
But, the ultimate display of blue is at the southern end of the island, where the deep, swift Cozumel current clashes with the Caribbean Sea - creating a kaleidoscope of azure, cobalt, navy, sapphire, and indigo. 

It is a very fertile feeding ground for fish, sea turtles, and rays.  We were looking for the big sea turtles that frequent this area in the spring, searching for mates and a little hanky-panky.  Slap and tickle.  Chuka-chuka. 

We paid our thirty pesos admission fee for the municipal park, about $2.50, and wandered to the southern tip of the island.  Wow!  The colours are eye-popping beautiful.  We were lucky enough to spot several turtles getting frisky.  Unfortunately my camera lens wasn't powerful enough to photograph the turtles as they were quite a distance out - all I have is beautiful photos of beautiful blue water. I can live with that.

The Ultimate Blue - South Point Isla Mujeres
When we got home from South Point and downloaded the photos we realized that we were wearing identically coloured clothes.  Blue shirts, and khaki shorts! 

Who dressed us?


  1. I loved that park and the blue blue blue. We will be heading back there again. Miss Soggy Peso and can hardly wait to go back. You guys live in paradise.

  2. Can't wait for the crispy beef tacos at the Soggy Peso in another month! The matchy matchy thing happens with us all the time. I tell Craig all we need is matching khaki campground vests with all the badges from places we've traveled to complete the ensemble.
